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Q: Why do you think the Nazis play music in the concentration camps in the night book?
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Similarities in night and schindler's list?

They both take place during WW2 and depict the persecution of the Jews and the concentration camps.

How many concentration camps was Elie at in the book Night?


What were the concentration camps like at night?

In the winter is was very cold.

What methods were used to calm Jews as they entered the concentration camps?

Sometimes Jews were drugged or starved on the journey to the concentration camps. Also, they might have entered the camps at night, when they could not see the condition of the camps.

How were the Jews captured in the first year the holocaust concentration camps opened?

A number of Jews were sent to concentration camps in 1933, but because they were opponents of the Nazis, not simply for being Jews. (The Nazis were at that stage also obsessed with 'Jews in the media' and Jewish journalists and newspaper proprietors had a very rough time).In November 1938 during the Night of the Broken Glass about 30,000 Jews were sent to concentration camps and by Christmas 1938, 2,000 of these Jews had died.Routine transports of Jews to camps started, at first on a small scale, in 1940; and the wholesale transport of Jews, usually to extermination camps, began in 1941.

How many Jews were sent to concentration camps as a result of that night in Kristallnacht?

About 100, or slightly fewer.

Was there still concentration camps after world war 2?

Yes, some people survived concentration camps. They are known as Holocaust Survivors. Some are even alive today, such as Elie Wiesel, a Nobel Peace Prize Winner and author of his memoir Night.

What are Elie and the others ordered to do in the book Night?

In the book Night, Elie and the others are ordered to march to concentration camps, endure harsh conditions and forced labor, and face systematic dehumanization and cruelty at the hands of the Nazis. They are stripped of their possessions, separated from their families, and subjected to extreme suffering and violence.

In Night the point of the plot that signifies the rising action is?

In "Night" by Elie Wiesel, the rising action is signified by the increasing persecution and oppression of Jews in their town, the deportation of Elie and his family to concentration camps, and the escalating brutality and inhumanity they experience at the hands of the Nazis. This culminates in the growing sense of fear, dehumanization, and loss of hope as the characters struggle to survive in the harsh and unjust environment of the camps.

Can anyone give me a feature story on Elie Wiesel?

NIGHT. Its about his time in the concentration camps during the holocaust.

What was the night called that many Jew were killed and taken away to concentration camps?

It was the night of the Kristallench, when the Germans invaded Jews' homes, smashed all their china and crystal, and forced them to go into the death camps

When was the first day of the Holocaust?

That's hard to answer. There was no real date that it began, but many point to the night of November 9, 1938 as the beginning. This night was called the Kristallnacht, or night of broken glass. On this night, thousands of Jewish businesses and Synagogues were destroyed by the Nazis, and more than 200,000 Jews were arrested and sent to concentration camps.