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ay tambal sa buyag.....

kamo jud no inyu jud nang initan ilang bitay bitay...styl man na nila

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Q: Why do you think the ancient Filipinos used many ornaments in their body?
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What did cavemen do with the body when one died?

i think they cut the heads off, plucked the eyes out, took the skin off the head, and put fake eyes, and kept the heads as ornaments

What is a physical ornaments?

Things like nose studs, lip rings, cheek embellishments and the like.

Some of my friends are wearing porcelain ornaments. I want to know where I can buy some.?

sell your body for one

Why does ancient filipino used many ornaments in their body?

It represents their rank in the society. If a woman wears many yellow(represents wealth) beaded dress or accesories, it means that they have a lot of power and money, and if a man has many tattoos around his body, it means that they had killed many animals or human which makes them also powerful.

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I think it is in egypt and the dead sea is u have to tell me

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They want to keep their body well. They think they awake again.And they want to awake with their organs

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Where did the mumafie the body?

If I understand your question correctly and its related to what I think its related to, then: The Ancient Egyptians mummified bodies of the dead in...well, Egypt.

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What were partially known for their massive pyramids human sacrifices and ornate body ornaments?

The Mayans built pyramids, sacrificed humans and ornamented their bodies.

What are some of the things that are made up of a diamond?

Rings, earrings, necklaces, other body ornaments, tiaras, watches and more are all made with diamonds.

Is siesta still applicable to modern Filipinos?

Yes, siesta is still applicable to modern Filipinos despite their busy schedules. Taking an afternoon rest or nap after the mid-day meal is regarded as physical necessity as it gives the body a renewed energy.