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The plague and it helps with HIV not turning into aids for children of people who survived the plague.

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Q: Why do you think the black death and how did it affect Europe is positive?
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Where in Europe did the Black Death Affect?

The Black Plague or Death affected all of Europe in 1347 to 1351.

How did the Black Death affect the economy?

Black Death almost killed half of Europe's population. It broke Europe economically and socially.

How did the Black Death affect the European economy?

Black Death almost killed half of Europe's population. It broke Europe economically and socially.

How did the black death affect servants in Europe?

Black Death forced them to revolt. This lead to major social and economical changes.

How did the Black Plague affect the city of Florence?

Black Death lasted in whole europe. Around 1346 to 1353.

Does the black death affect only Africans?

Not at all. In fact, it wiped out most of medieval Europe. The Black Death is another name for the Bubonic Plague.

How did the plague affect death?

The epidemic of bubonic plague in Europe known as The Black Death killed about 1/3 of the population.

What other effects did Europe have on Black Death positive or negative?

both positive and negative effects were there. It killed economy, but brought social changes.

How did the black death affect the monastries?

black death changed Europe. Socially, economically, it led to many revolutions. which changed feudalism and other rules.

How did the black death mostly affect serfs?

Dude it killed 3/4 the population of Europe u figure it out

When did black death disappear from Europe?

The black death disappeared from Europe about 150-400 years after it began.

What years did the Black Death sweep through Europe?

Black Death Plague swept death. In Europe at 1346 to 1353.