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Q: Why do you think the french people used the declaration of independence as a model for their own document?
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What document states that only the people have the power to govern?

i believe that it was the Declaration of Independence

What document allowed people to overthrow a tyrannical government?

The Declaration of Independence.

What US document uses a plural executive?

The Declaration of Independence, "We the People...".

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Why is the Declaration of Independence?

The Declaration of Independence is very important because it is the document that founded America. It freed the colonies from Britain. The Declaration of Independence was a document that many people worked on to ensure that either the government of England respect their rights, or they overthrow the government.

Which document states that only the people have the power to govern who wrote it?

Decleration of Independence.

What document states that all people have inalienable rights?

That would be the Declaration of Independence, signed by the Second Continental Congress on July 4, 1776.

How is the document called declaration of sentiment like the Declaration of Independence?

Both list wrongs that had been done to people

How did the Declaration of Independence shape history?

The Declaration of Independence was the document that stated that the U.S. was to be independent from Britain. It stated our grievances against the king and explained that the government was to run by the people, for the people.

Which important historical document does the declaration of sentiments resemble?

Both list wrongs that had been done to people

Did the US Declaration of Independence influence the French Revolution?

Yes. The Declaration of Independence was a great influence on the French Revolution. It gave them the basic idea that citizens had rights that even their king could not take away. The French people followed all the events of the American Revolution all the while that they were subject to hardships such as a lack of flour and bread. A more direct influence is that the French published a document entitled "Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen", which was modeled after the US Declaration of Independence and which Thomas Jefferson helped write.

Which document was the first to formally express the idea that the people have a right to abolish an abusive and unresponsive government?

Declaration of Independence