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Q: Why do you think the king of Spain commanded Catholic priests toach Nati teve Americans about Christianity?
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Why did king of Spain commanded Catholic priests to teach Native Americana about Christianity?

cuz he is Christian and he want to every one in Spain to be

Why did the king of Spain command Catholic priests to teach Native Americans Christianity?

because the Catholic curch largely controlled the governments of Europe.

How did Catholicism affect Spain rule in the America?

Spain commanded priests to convert American Indians to Christianity

How did Catholicism affect Spain's rule in America?

Spain commanded priests to convert American Indians to Christianity

What kind of relationship do you think existed between the native Americans and the catholic priests?

It was like oil and water they dnt want 2 met

Is it appropriate for a christian to wear a prayer shawl?

Christianity comes from Judaism, and it's the Catholic Priests who wear them.

What do priests wear in the uniting church?

exactly what the roman catholic church priests wear so they don't change their clothing just because of their different Christianity.

Are there currently any female priests in the Catholic Religion?

If you mean priests, no. There are no female Catholic priests

Why did conquistadors bring priests with them?

The Spanish wanted to convert the heathen Americans to the one true faith, Christianity. In order to convert these people, priests would be necessary.

What are the differences between Catholic and Christian priests?

None, Catholic priests are Christian priests.

Why do you think the king of Spain commanded Catholic priest to teach the Native Americans Christianity?

During the ages in which the New World was explored and colonized by European powers, there were several reasons for the Spanish rulers to command their priests to teach Natives about Christianity and also to convert them to it. One was the conviction of the Spanish that Christianity was absolute truth. Another was the conviction that Native Americans were backwards peoples. Another was the conviction that, in being converted to the Spanish religion, the Native peoples would become more willing subjects of Spain.

Why do you think the king of Spain commanded Catholic priests to teach Americans about Christianity?

There are two possible reasons ( others may exist as well ) for Spain's attempts to Christianize the Native Americans in the New World. One reason was the sincere belief that by doing so, they were helping these Native Tribes to discover God and thus establish a relationship with their Creator. This could have been a sincere goal. The other reason would be to bring the Native Americans into the "fold" of Catholic Spain, and thus have a measure of commonality among the two peoples. It must be remembered that "religion" was a stronger force in the colonail days of Spain then perhaps it is now.