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Q: Why do you think there are more ferns than club mosses?
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Are there more ferns than club mosses?

Yes, there are more than 12,000 species of ferns alive tody. There are relatively few species of club mosses today.

Ferns are more advanced than mosses because mosses lack which structure found in ferns?


Why are there more ferns than club mosses?

Because ferns are vascular plants

In what ways do club mosses and mosses differ from each other?

Club mosses are vascular plants with erect stems that bear spores in club-shaped, cone-like structures. And True mosses are non-vascular plants which have simple leaflike, rootlike, and stem like parts. They're not true leaves, roots, or stems because they lack vascular tissues.

What is the advanced characteristics of subphylum filicinophyta than subphylum lycopodiophyta?

Subphylum Filicinophyta (ferns) have large, complex leaves called fronds, while subphylum Lycopodiophyta (club mosses) have smaller leaves and simpler structures. Ferns also have a more advanced vascular system that includes true roots, stems, and leaves, whereas club mosses have simpler, dichotomously branching stems. Additionally, ferns produce spores in structures called sporangia, which are typically clustered in groups called sori, while club mosses have strobili that contain spore-producing structures.

How are club mosses and ferns similar?

Club mosses (Phylum Lycopodophyta) and horsetails (Phylum Equisetophyta) are similar to ferns (Phylum Pteridophyta) in that they; - do not produce seeds, only spores - have stems that are unstrengthened by wood (evolved first in the more advanced gymnosperms) - have a dominant sporophyte generation - do have vascular tissue (not as advanced as seed plants but there nonetheless) - do not produce flowers (flowers evolved first in angiosperms)

Why mosses are not as well adapted to terrestrial life as ferns?

Because mosses do not have xylem and phloem as vascular system. Also the dominant plant body in mosses is gametophytic which needs more moist and shady places.

What Ways do mosses and club mosses differ from each other?

One moss is a DJ at a club called club Moss and the other is more like a geek your welcome :)

What are some types of non-vascular plants?

Non-vascular plants are those that do not have a true vascular system like other plants (they have no xylem and phlome vessels). These include groups of plants such as: Horsetails, Club Mosses and Ferns.

Why do mosses and ferns need more water than other flowering plants?

because ferns are found in many swamps and lakes. the have long green stems which produce semen (a type of polland that the plant produces if alot of water is near.Edited answer:Because mosses and ferns require water for the movement of their male gametes towards female gametes for fertilization.

What kingdom do ferns belong to?

Division Anthocerotophyta: Hornworts Division Bryophyta: Mosses Division Lycophyta: Club Mosses; Scale Trees Division Hepaticophyta: Liverworts Division Pteridopsida: Ferns Division Tracheophyta: Vascular Plants (Largest Division) Division Sphenopsida: Horsetails

In what ways mosses and club mosses differ?

One moss is a DJ at a club called club Moss and the other is more like a geek your welcome :)