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Q: Why do you use ammonia solution to treat a bee sting?
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Why can you use ammonia to treat a bee sting?

Ammonia is basic and the idea is that it will neutralise the formic acid in the sting

What did people in the 1800's use for a bee sting?

they treat bee sting in the 1800 by cold food and snow

What if puss comes out of a bee sting?

If puss is coming out of a bee sting, clean the area with a diluted hydrogen peroxide solution, and ice the area if there is swelling. If there is redness surrounding the sting, see a physician as soon as possible. Antibiotics may be needed to treat an infection.

Why do you put milk on bee stings?

You put milk on a bee sting because a bee sting is full of acid and by putting an alkali solution on the sting it neutralises the sting (balances it out) so the sting doesnt hurt.

What do you do for a bee sting inflammation?

put some straight ammonia on a cotton ball, it will draw out poison.

Why can you treat a bee sting with ammonia?

You can treat any sting with a plethora of remedies, the main reason most of them work is placebo. The toxin a bee injects is a combination of formic acid and some much more complex proteinic toxins. Ammonia is basic and the idea is that it will neutralise the formic acid in the sting (which was until recently believed to be the primary cause for pain) however, as soon as the bee's stinger is removed, the already tiny hole starts to close so it's unlikely you'd even get ammonia into the injection site by pouring it. It is also important to note that Melittin is now recognised as the most powerful pain-causing agent in bee stings so logically, a good, safe remedy would be plain aspirin, as it inhibits the primary inflammatory mechanism of the venom (COX).

Can you treat a bee bite with a copper penny?

Bees don't bite, they sting. Usually, the stinger is left in you. You're first step is to get the stinger out before worrying about any bs with copper pennies. (edit) as a bee's sting injects acid, you can neutralise this with an aklaline solution. I suggest baking soda mixed with a little water, and putting that on the sting :)

How do you treat a bumble bee sting?

you can put mud on the sting to sooth it and the mud is supposed to draw out the venome I am no expert on the mud treatment but a bumble bee sting requires similar treatment to that of a honey bee. There are some pretty good answers and videos covering that.

Bicarbonate of soda has a pH about 9 why is this good thing to treat a bee sting with?

The soda which is alkaline neutralizes the bee sting which is acidic. For wasp stings use vinegar. Vinegar is acidic and neutralizes the alkaline wasp sting.

Can cephalexin be used for bee sting infections?

Cephalexin is popularly used to treat infections contracted from injuries. A normal bee sting would only require cleaning and pain medications. If your bee sting becomes infected, then see a doctor who might prescribe you with Cephalexin.

What other acids to treat abee sting?

A bee sting should not be treated with anything acid since it would not help alleviate the pain or reaction.

What does a bee sting contain?

A Bee sting contains a acid