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The Kelvin scale starts at a true zero; 0o K is the temperature at which there is actually no heat. Therefore, you get a true measure of heat using this system; an object at twice the temperature in kelvins is actually twice as hot. That is not true of other temperature scales such as Celsius or Fahrenheit.

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Q: Why do you use kelvin temperature scale?
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What kind of temperature scale does temperature use?

Celsius, kelvin, Fahrenheit

What temperature scale does not use degree?

The temperature scale that has no negative values is the Kelvin scale, because it has its zero point at the lowest possible measurable temperature (absolute zero).The similarly based scale using Fahrenheit intervals (degrees) is the Rankine scale. The Kelvin scale starts at (the minimum) absolute zero. (0 K = -273 oC)

What temperature scale has zero as it's lowest temperature?

The Kelvin scale (apex)

What type of scale did lord Kelvin develop?

The Kelvin temperature scale

The temperature scale that scientists commonly use is the?

Scientists commonly use the Celsius or Kelvin temperature scales.

When using Charles's law temperature must be on the?

Use the Kelvin scale.

What kind of temperature scale does the scientists use?

Celsius, kelvin, Fahrenheit

What is ment by the Kelvin scale of temperature?

the absolute temperature scale

Which temperature scale do scientistst use?

The Kelvin scale, usually, but chemistry and allied disciplines use Celsius sometimes.

Why is the temperature measurement Kelvin important?

The Kelvin scale of temperature is an absolute universale scale in SI; 0 kelvin is equal to -273,15 0C.

Why scientist use kelvin scale in their scientific experiment?

Because it is an absolute scale. There are no negative temperatures. With Kelvin, it makes sense to say that one temperature is twice another temperature, for example.