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We only remember dreams that occur immediately before we wake up. When we feel pain while asleep, the brain tries to make sense of it in terms of the dream. When the discomfort is great enough to wake us, we remember the dream and think it was the source of the pain.

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Q: Why do you wake up from dreams sometimes and feel the pain from an injury in the dream?
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Does the person you dream about feel anything about you?

No, your dreams only express your own thoughts and feelings. Your dreams provide no information about the thoughts or feelings of the person you see in your dreams.

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Since dreams are the product of our subconscious trying to resolve the unresolved of our waking life and dreams are very often symbolic, you will need to go by how the dream makes you feel, not who or what was said in the dream. When you think of this dream, what does it make you feel. Is there something in your real life that makes you feel like this? If there is, think about that and what it means to you. If it doesn't, dreams are also a simple replay of some things we have seen or heard recently. Don't worry about it.

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people can die in an unpainful way in their sleep. unless they are people who dream of being hurt and can feel the pain somehow in their dreams and can cry in their dreams and stuff like that... (like me, i feel stuff like that in my dreams...)

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Is dream a concrete noun?

Yes, the noun dream is a countable noun; you may have one dream or many dreams.

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Sometimes dreams are so vivid they can seem real, so when you wake-up you can feel it. Unless it's a bedbug then it is really real...

What if you're having dreams about your crush..what does this mean?

It means you feel very strongly about them, and that they are the person to go for. It shows that they are on your mind subconsciously as well, and that you are thinking of them very often to have them in your dreams. If you dream about a crush, it usually means that they are the one, and your emotions are quite deep. Remember your dreams, they might give you answers! Also think of what sort of dream it was, did they show affection to you? If you feel it was a good dream, it can only be a good thing, though you don't often get dreams occur where a crush you really like will hate you etc. If you are thinking good and positive things about them during the day, you are likely to get a good dream about them!

Is it possible to experience one of the senses in your dreams?

Yes it is, but it is different with different people. For example - some people have dreams where they can actually feel things in their dreams - e.g, feel the wind, water, or something touching them. Others have smelt things in their dreams, or heard something which they remember hearing in the morning. Pretty amazing, huh? And this is all in your sleep! Yes! I for one can feel every single thing in my dreams but Sexual Activities. Like fighting getting punched, feeling dizzy, feeling fatigue, i can feel everything in my dreams, but about 3/4 into the dream i start to make connections with the fact its a dream, and stop dreaming in a sense, but i still go about my dream actions, not disturbing the dream. But whats really creepy is that when i realize its a dream, things tend to get alot worse, even if it was a good dream, things start to like attack me or try to hurt me xD~Keon Definately! Most of the time I can remember almost all of my dreams (there is usually more than one). For me it's like going to a different life when I go to bed. A life where anything can happen, good or bad and you don't even know it's not real until you wake up. It's kinda crazy actually. Most of the time there are people that I know in my dreams,but sometimes there are people that I don't know in my dreams, like my brain just makes up these people. And sometimes there are people in my dreams that I haven't seen 15 years, but in the dream they look the way they did when I last saw them. And I can still remember some dreams that I had a long time ago.

What does it mean if you dream that you started going out with a friends ex girlfriend?

it could be that you were thinking of her before you fell asleep because if someone is on your mind before you fall asleep sometimes you dream them. but the real question is how do you feel toward your friend's ex? again if you are constantly thinking about someone or something you may dream her/him or it. if you were not thinking about this person at all then maybe it was just one of those weird dreams. not to worry everyone has strange dreams they don't understand.

Why do you sometimes feel like you're jumping off a cliff in your dream and then jolt awake?

because the stuff your mind generates is actually sort of like a virtual world. sometimes when your mind dreams stuff it affects what happens in your REAL life, which is why people have wet dreams. You jump because if you dream your falling off a cliff, your brain senses it and wakes you up, because if you hit the ground, your mind actually senses that and damage could come to you.