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Q: Why do you write with graphite?
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Why do lead pencils contain graphite?

Because if pencil doesnot have graphite,we cannot write anything.In pencils,the black element is graphite used to write anything.

What is a really good slogan for graphite?

If it's not graphite, you can't write.

What type of compound is graphite?

one that you write with

How does a pencil write on paper because there both wood?

the graphite in the pencil is soft, when you write/draw it rubs off on to the paper. (Graphite is a soft metal)

What is the material cause your pencil to write?

Graphite, an allotrope of carbon.

Where does the word graphite come from?

It was observed that graphite could be used to make marks on paper. The word "graph" comes from the Greek for "to write".

How does the pencil work?

The pencil works via a soft graphite core being wrapped in a durable wooden sheath. This allows the graphite to be exposed as needed to write.

What is the material in pencils that can write?

Pencil leads are made of a mixture of graphite and clay. The graphite is what makes the marks; the clay hold it together and controls the hardness of the lead.

What is a prefix for write?

graph- or gram- as in graphite and grammar

Who named the mineral graphite?

Mineral graphite was names by Abraham Gottlob Werner in 1789. The term is derived from the ancient Greek term "the write" because of its use in pencils.

A soft mineral that you uses each time to write a pencil is?

Graphite is a soft form of carbon used in pencils. The graphite is mixed with clay, which also contain minerals,

What mineral is used for making pencil lead?

What is the mineral used in the pencil that you write with? Graphite.