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Q: Why do your ears hurt when they are popped too long?
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Why ears hurt?

You may have an ear infection or they have popped, but a common way of hurting your ears is from listining to music and the volume is too loud, they can pop if you force a lot of air in to you mouth and hold it, I don't how why it happens but it is a way you can make your ears pop, or if have an ear infection is if you have too much earwax in them or they are in the cold too long.

What can happen if you listen to your iPod too much?

Your ears will start to hurt from the earbuds

Why are loud sounds dangerous?

Because it will hurt our ears and it can make us deaf. When we turn the music up to high in our cars it hurts our ears making the people outside the car ear's hurt. It is disrespectful to do that.

What word defines sound too high for human ears to hear?

ear drums hurt

Is pop music good or bad for your health?

it depends on how loud you have the volume. too high can hurt your ears.

Does gauging your ears hurt?

Stretching your ear safely shouldn't cause sharp pain or bleeding. These are signs that you're trying to stretch your ears too quickly.

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Do jabs hurt more than ear piercing?

It depends I have had jabs in my bum that really hurt! But I have had them in my arm and they don't hurt much at all. when I had my ears done it did not hurt I just remember my ears feeling hot for a few hours. So on the pain level it is about a 2. My comparison is it hurts less than when you break a nail and it rips off too low.

Why do long eared jerboa's have big ears?

i dont know im looking for that too :/

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it will hurt you

Can it hurt a dog to hold waste for too long?

yes. and people.

What happens if you stand by the fireplace for too long?

Your eyes get hurt or burn