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Q: Why do your hands feel warm when exhaled air is breathed on them?
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Why do your hands get warm when you have a hot cocoa in your hand?

Because the warm hot chocolate warms the cup and the cup warms your hands. also if you put your hands over the cup and feel the steam that will warm your hands.

Why does an eraser feel warm when you use it?

I think it's because of friction and because your hands are warm.

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What does the expression warm hands cold heart mean?

You've got it backwards. The superstition is "cold hands, warm heart" and it means that someone with cold hands is said to be a very "warm" or loving and generous person.

How do you hold breasts?

You cup your hands and if the breasts are naked you put your hands on them and feel how lovely and soft and warm they are and you give them a nice little squeeze. They feel really nice.

What can you feel with friction when you rub your hands together?

You can feel heat when you rub your hand together!

Why do you feel heat when you rub your hands together quickly?

Because you are putting them together which traps air and starts to make your hands warm. It is an example of friction .

When you reach for something in the fridge why do your hands get cold?

To the touch your skin is warm. When you reach in something cold such as a fridge or freezer the temperature difference is what makes your hands feel cold.

When rubbing hands together what energy takes place?

When we rub our hands, we use our body's energy to generate kinetic energy. This causes friction between our hands, which causes heat to be produced. Hence we feel warm.

Is inhaled air or exhaled air warmer?

Depends on which temperature it held to start with. In a Sauna exhaled air will be colder, in a walk-in freezer exhaled air will be warmer. How about in a lift? Where isn't a relevant factor, only ambient temperature is. If the ambient temperature is colder than body core temperature, then exhaled air will be warmer. If ambient temperature is warmer than body core temperature then exhaled air will be colder.

Why does eraser feel warm when rub it against paper?

It feels warm because of friction,any time you rub two objects together, heat is created from friction. Just like rubbing your hands together to get them warm.

Why does warming your hands make you feel warmer?

There are a lot of nerve endings in your feet and hands so they are very likely to get cold. When, you warm them then your whole body will be warmer because they were the coldest part of your body.