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Q: Why do your lips make a popping sound when you smack them together?
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What is the meaning of the word poppysmic?

I think its the sound that your lips make when you smack them together??? thats what it was defined as on the movie "love happens" --- The noise your lips make when they smack together, yes.

How do ground squirrels talk to each other?

They just kinda make a hissing sound and smack their lips. They just kinda make a hissing sound and smack their lips.

What does it mean when it says in a book 'he smacked his lips together'?

Sometimes when you like what you are eating, going to eat, have eaten, or the food you're thinking about, you might unintentionally sort of like pop your lips together, and it sometimes makes a smacking sound, so that is why it is called 'smacking your lips together'. You also might smack your lips together intentionally when you are angered, or in any other number of situations.

Who do some people smack twice after yawning. Meaning like smack their lips?

People smack twice before yawning because when you smack it brings up some of the air you need to yawn.

What is another way to chew in a noisy way?

Another way to chew noisily is to smack your lips and slurp while eating. This can create a loud and disruptive sound while chewing.

How do to whistle With out using any instrument i see lots of people doing it on theyre lips?

Whistling can be accomplished by pursing the lips together and blowing. Make sure the lips are dry and practice pursing them together lightly while slowly pursing them tighter until a sound is achieved.

How does a trumbone make sound?

When you blow into a trumbone you have to use your lips to make the sound.

Just put your lips together and blow?

This phrase is often used as an instruction for whistling. It suggests pursing your lips and blowing air through them to create a whistling sound.

Is W a soft sound?

Yes, the letter "W" is considered a soft sound. It is a voiced labiodental approximant, pronounced by bringing the lips close together without contacting them.

What is bilabial semi vowel?

A bilabial semivowel is a speech sound that is produced with both lips coming together, but not fully closing like in a plosive sound. An example of a bilabial semivowel in English is the 'w' sound, as in the word 'we'.

What is a vuvuzela made of?

Press your lips against the opening of the vuvuzela, keeping them together. Blow into the vuvuzela by making an oscillating sound almost as if you're mimicking the sound of the vuvuzela with your lips.

What is vibrating in the trumpet to produce sound?

The vibrations from your lips are what creates sound