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Q: Why do your lungs shrink when you have sclerdoma?
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Why my lungs shrink?

There are many causes that will make ones lungs shrink. Some of the causes may include old age, doing aerobic exercises, and smoking.

How and why air moves into and out of lungs when you inhale and exhale?

When you breathe in, your diaphragm will contract, causing your lungs to expand and suck in air. When you breathe out, your diaphragm will relax, causing your lungs to shrink and force out air.

How can you shrink your thighs fast?

By doing exercises you can shrink your thighs as early as possible, in exercises cardio is the good choice to you. In cardio especially lungs and hamstring work well to reduce weight of legs. If you haven't any about lungs and hamstring, you can google for these exercise videos; you will have found so many videos regarding lungs and hamstring.

The lungs contain elastic muscle tissue to permit inhalation?

It allows the lungs to expand when you inhale and they shrink when you exhale.

What happens in severe asbestosis?

In advanced asbestosis, the lungs shrink, stiffen, and become honeycombed (riddled with tiny holes).

How did King Edward the 5 die?

well apparently he had this really bad illness that is his lungs started shrinking like bad and duhhh if your lungs shrink it will be hard to breathe and then he died a slow painful death.

Do amphibians breathe thourgh their lungs?

When they are tadpoles they breathe through gills. These gradually shrink and disappear, to be replaced by lungs. The adults therefore breathe much as we do, the main difference being that they, together with frogs and so on, have no...

What happens to a man's lungs free diving at 30 ft?

They shrink. At 33 feet (close enough) they're about half sized from what they were at the surface.

Do opals shrink?

No they do not shrink.

Are the muscles in your lungs called smooth muscles?

(This is a rough estimate on the surface area so just consider this answer don't take it for a final.) Roughly around the Trachea, near where it splits to each of the lungs, and then theres the Alveolil (Latin for 'little cavity) because they expand and shrink when you breathe hence why your lungs push your chest forward and straighten your spinal cord.

What is the future tense of shrink?

Will shrink.

Is shrink an adjective?

No, shrink is a verb.