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Your nipples can become sore and/or cracked during regular breastfeeding. The best way to alleviate this problem is to use vaseline around the sore area of the nipple between feedings to heal and protect it. Another cause of sore nipples is improper latching on by the baby. If the baby is latching on incorrectly, it can cause pain. To make sure your baby is latched on correctly, most of your nipple should be in baby's mouth. If you suspect your baby is not latching on right, you can visit your pediatrician, lactation consultant, or local WIC (Women, Infants, Children) office.

If nothing else works, you should look for signs of a breast infection such as:

  • Abnormally colored discharge, pink, yellow, green
  • The breast feeling hot to the touch
  • Low grade fever
  • Pain in the breast

If you suspect an infection, be sure to see your physician. It could be something easy to treat, such as an infection. Or it could be something more serious. With the incidence of breast cancer, you should get it checked out if you experience something out of the ordinary with your breasts.

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Q: Why do your nipples hurt while nursing?
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well it depends.... if the females nipples hurt, that means the breasts are maybe sweling for breast milk flow, or they are uncomfotable. Not all pregnate women have their nipples hurt....

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No. Nipples will harden as a reflex when they are stimulated or cold.

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Can During your first month into your pregnancy your breasts hurt and your nipples itch?

Every woman's development is different, but yes, it is possible. Breasts grow through a great many changes in preparation for nursing a child. It is worth noting that pregnancy is not the only cause of aching breasts and itching nipples.

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No your not having a baby

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that aint normal

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For the vagina about a week nipples until she done nursing, after nursing it will take 10 to 14 days till all milk is dried up

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if your breasts, or nipples hurt and your a virgin it just means that your breasts are in the progress of developing, it will hurt but theres nothing to worry about its just the pattern or life!

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Pump before you go to avoid milk leaking. Avoid any stimulation to nipples while out such as any brushing of them by friends or passersby by accident

Why do you feel bloated and your nipples hurt?

you could be pregnant. take a test

Why do 16 year old girls nipples hurt?

because they are growing.