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Teeth feel rough much in the same way that they feel after vomiting. It's due to the very high acidity in both Sunny D and also Stomach Acid. Acidity can make the tounge temporarily more sensitive so when feeling your teeth with your tounge you feel sensations you usualy don't feel with your tounge. It almost feels like your teeth are made of sandpaper or have a "5 oclock shadow" and need a quick shave. It's nothing to be concerned about, the effect is temporary and short lived. If you feel your teeth with a finger after drinking Sunny D they will feel the same as they do any other time, the problem is the tounge and not anything detrectable happening to your teeth, though it can soften tooth enamal, but it's not something that can be felt. Rinsing with a little baking soda in water can neutralize the acid and make the mouth return to feeling normal more quickly, not to mention help offset the damage done to teeth by bassicaly drinking orange flavored battery acid.

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Q: Why do your teeth feel weird when you drink sunny-d?
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