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Q: Why do your veins collapse when your doctor draws blood?
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What is the difference between the blood in the arteries and the blood in the veins?

Veins do not pulsate Arteries pulsate Veins can easily collapse Arteries do not collapse (except in shock) Veins contain valves Blood pressure is low in the veins and higher in the arteries

Which of the following statements about arteries and veins is false?

Veins can collapse, serving as the blood vessel with the greatest resistance to blood flow in the circulatory system

How does a mortician drain your blood?

They insert tubes into veins that are connected to a pump that draws the blood out and replaces it with a preservative fluid.

What two ways are veins structurally different from arteries?

blood travels away from the heart through arteries and blood travels to the heart through the veins

Why does blood come out slowly when drawing blood?

Blood draws normally occur through veins, though which blood moves slowly. There is low pressure and little muscular activity in the veins, resulting in lower pressure.

How does the direction blood travels in arteries and veins differ?

the blood in the arteries in oxygenated and is flowing away from the heart throughout the body tyo give your cells oxygen. the blood in the veins has had its oxygen depleted by your cells and is travelling back to the heart and lungs to get more oxygen

What does phabotomist do?

I do not know what a phabotomist is, but a phlebotomist is a person, usually a nurse or CNA2 which draws blood from the veins using an intravenous needle.

Why do your veins blow?

Veins can collapse if too much negative pressure is used when withdrawing blood as the walls are rather thin.

What type of blood vessel carries the blood to the heart?


Does veins on the scrotum build blood warts on the surface of the skin?

No, if you have warts you need to go see a doctor.

Are veins are wider than arteries?

Veins are darker than arteries because they have thin walls, and the darker blood shows through them more easily. Arteries are lighter in color because they have thicker walls containing connective tissue which is lighter in color in preserved material. The veins probably look wider because they collapse when the heart stops beating. When they collapse, they flatten out, making them wider.

What happens when blood pools in the veins?

Varicose veins form when blood pools in the veins.