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Because 37 degrees Celsius is the internal temp. There is a difference between the internal body temperature and the body's surface temperature.

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Q: Why does 30 degrees celsius seem hot when your own body temperature is 37 degrees?
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In what temperature do wolves live?

well it depends on where the gray wolves are from but usually they prefer to live in a temperate oceanic temperature which is 10 to 18 degrees Celsius. i have found from my studies that they seem to behave more violently and aggressive towards other animals if they live in a temperature of 25 degrees Celsius or more.

Why does bath water at first seem hot but later seem to be the same temperature as your body?

Your body heats up, the feeling of temperature is relative.

Why is the kelvin temperature scale useful?

Our conventional Celsius and Fahrenheit scales of temperature are related to things that we find in our own experience. Zero degrees Celsius is the temperature of freezing water; zero degrees Fahrenheit is the coldest temperature that Dr. Fahrenheit could achieve (in the 1700s) by mixing ice and salt together. The "100 degree" mark in Celsius is the boiling point of water, while 100 degrees Fahrenheit was normal body temperature. (He was a doctor, not a physicist; he got it wrong by 1.4 degrees.) The Kelvin scale is referenced to "absolute" zero, the impossible temperature at which all molecular motion would stop. So with the Kelvin scale, you can measure any temperature and all your numbers will be positive. (Makes the math easier.) The temperature of "absolute zero" is equal to -273 degrees Celsius, and the size of a degree is the same in the Kelvin and Celsius scales. So a nice day here on Earth would be around 300 degrees Kelvin.

Why ice does not melt at 5 degree?

I am going to assume your talking about Fahrenheit. Which would take 32 degrees Fahrenheit for ice to begin to melt (albeit slowly). If you come from a place that uses Celsius its understandable to be confused by this at it will seem illogical as Celsius is a simpler and a more logical way to measure temperature.

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This is because opossums, as marsupials, have a lower core body temperature, 95 degrees F, than the placental mammals that are more susceptible to rabies have.

How low can a humans body temperature get to before they die?

Previous answer: I think it's about 42 degrees, although 3 years ago, I contracted blood poisoning and my temp went up to 42.3, the doctors were amazed i was still alive. Temperatures above 40 degrees Celsius or 104 degrees Fahrenheit are life-threatening. Brain damage or brain death often occur at temperatures of 41 degrees Celsius or 106 degrees Fahrenheit as this is when the brain begins to be damaged by the high temperature.

What are some activities you can do on mercury?

Roasting and freezing seem to be the two top activities. The temperature ranges from 100 degrees Kelvin to 700 degrees Kelvin.

Why doesn't surface ocean water not usually freeze at 0 degrees celsius?

Because it's actually moving water it doesn't seem to freeze until -10

What is the average temperature of the flame of the candle?

Depending on the wax, and the concentrations of water of oxygen in the air, somewhere between 1,200 degrees and 1,700 degrees Celsius. The heat capacity and conductivity of air and the exhaust products of combustion, however, are both very low. In practice, candle flames do not seem very hot (much like metal feels colder than wood at room temperature, though they are the same temperature). The outer core of the candle flame is light blue -- 1670 K (1400 °C). That is the hottest part of the flame. The color inside the flame becomes yellow, orange and finally red. The further you reach to the center of the flame, the lower the temperature will be. The red portion is around 1070 K (800 °C). The reason there is this variation in a candle's flame color is because air convection pulls the warmer gasses upwards.

What is Romania's weather like?

fine if you like really hot summers( up to 44 degrees celsius) and really cold winters ( up till minus 20, although it has been reported temperatures of minus 33 degrees celsius), the spring and autumn are fine, a bit like british summers, reaching 26 degrees celsius, although with very few rain... generally its draught.... or as its been lately flooding.... so the weather seem to be rather extreme.

Why does cold water seem warm after a while of swimming?

This happens because your body temperature gets used to the cold water, at the same time the temperature from the body makes the water a little warmer also.

Why do stars seem to change their colors?

Because their temperature seem to change too