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Everyone thinks that she leaves because they have no chance of winning the fight against the Volturi when they come to destroy Renesmee, and that when they lose, Aro will want to make her part of the Volturi. The real reason she leaves is so that she can try to find another half human, half vampire in South America so that they will be able to find out for certain how Renesmee will turn out. She didnt tell anyone of this reason because she didn't want Aro to find out and she needed them to believe that they had no chance of winning so the Volturi wouldn't know that they had anything else up their sleeves to trick the.

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Alice and Jasper leave to find another human/vampire in South America.

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Q: Why does Alice leave in Breaking Dawn?
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Does Alice come back in Breaking Dawn?

Yes, she does.

Is Alice and Emmett in the movie breaking dawn?

yes, Alice organises the wedding, and emment dances with her and arm wrestles her.

Did carisle die in breaking dawn part 2?

No absolutely not. It was part of Alice's vision.

Who killed carslile in breaking dawn part 2?

No one killed Carlisle in Breaking Dawn 2. In a vision that Alice shows Aro, Aro kills Carlisle. Aro decided not to fight when he sees his fate would end as well.

Do the rest of the cullens leave Bella and edward in breaking dawn?

No, but Edward and Bella live on their own.

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no. Alice does not have a kid in eclipse or breaking dawn, but Bella has a kid in breaking dawn

Why does Alice leave the Cullen's in Breaking Dawn?

she left to get as many vampires as possible to help the Cullen's with the fight. Huh?

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Does Alice come back in Breaking Dawn?

Yes, she does.

Dose Alice die after Breaking Dawn?

no she doesnt dieblackbarbi

Who left when the Volturi were coming in Breaking Dawn?

Alice Cullen

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Why do Alice and Jasper leave?

In Breaking Dawn, Alice forsees that the Cullens best chance of survival is if she and Jasper leave to search for another vampire-human hybrid. However, they had to keep it a secret from the rest of the Cullens so they wouldn't alert the Volturi.

Who plays Alice Cullen off of breaking dawn?

Ashley Greeene

Does Jasper leave the family?

In Breaking Dawn, he leaves with Alice to find human/vampire hybrids to help defend Reneesme. They both come back and stay with the Cullens

What is Alices name in breaking dawn part 2?

Alice Cullen or Mary Alice Brandon was her human name.