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He doesn't believe all the stories about Arthur Radley and does not want his kids to believe in them.

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Atticus tells the children to leave Boo Radley alone and stop playing the game because it's unfair to make a game out of someone else's life or personal circumstances. He wants them to show empathy and respect for Boo Radley's feelings and privacy, rather than treating him as a source of entertainment or curiosity.

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Q: What reason does atticus give when he tells the children to leave boo alone and stop playing the Boo Radley game?
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What 2 reasons does Scout give for quiting the Boo Radley game?

the laughing she heard from inside the house and atticus found out"Atticus's arrival was the second reason I wanted to quit the game. The first reason happened the day I rolled into the Radley front yard. Through all the head-shaking, quelling (trying to stop) of nausea and Jim yelling, I had heard another sound, so low I could not have heard it from the sidewalk. Someone inside the house was laughing."Scout is scared of the laughing she heard from the Radley house when she rolled in the tire, and Atticus was already suspicious that the children were acting out Boo's legend, or the "Boo Radley game."

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The first reason for Scout wanting to quit the game happened the day she rolled into the Radley front yard. She heard someone laughing inside the house. Atticus’s arrival was the second reason she wanted to quit the game.

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How does Atticus accept Boo Radley in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Atticus accepts Boo Radley by showing him kindness and compassion, acknowledging his humanity despite the rumors and prejudice surrounding him. He demonstrates empathy and understanding towards Boo, ultimately helping Scout see the goodness in people regardless of their differences.

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Atticus stops the children from sending a letter to the person leaving gifts because he believes it would rob them of their mysterious pleasure in the gifts, and he wants to respect their privacy. Atticus values privacy and wants to maintain the innocence and wonder of the situation for Jem and Scout.

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It is implied in "To Kill a Mockingbird" that Boo Radley was responsible for leaving the gifts in the knothole for Scout and Jem. As for the sewing of Jem's torn pants, it is strongly suggested that Boo Radley also performed this act of kindness as a way to connect with the children and show his goodwill towards them.

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The laughing from inside the house

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