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Biuret test works for any compound containing two or more of these groups: CO-NH, CO-NH2, CH2-NH2, CNH-NH2, CS-NH2. Amino acids only have one.

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Q: Why does Biurets reagent react with proteins but not amino acids?
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Are amino acids proteins?

No. but amino acids are the building blocks of protein

What name is given to to the monomers of proteins?

The name given to the monomers of proteins is amino acids.

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Proteins are polymers made up of amino acids.

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The monomer of proteins are called amino acids.

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The monomers of proteins are amino acids.

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Polymers of amino acids are proteins. Amino acids are linked together by peptide bonds to form long chains, which then fold into unique three-dimensional structures to carry out specific functions in living organisms. Proteins are essential for a wide range of biological processes, such as enzymatic reactions, cell signaling, and structural support.

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Proteins are polymers of amino acid molecules

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The monomers for proteins are amino acids. Proteins are made up of long chains of amino acids linked together by peptide bonds.

What are the polymers in protein?

Proteins are polymers of amino acids. The monomer of proteins is amino acids. Chains of amino acids are polypeptides and are called proteins if there are more than 20 amino acids in the chain.

What monomers make up protiens?

amino acid

What is the relationship between amino acids and proteins?

Proteins are made up of (long strings of) amino acids.Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. There are around 20 amino acids in total. By joining together they form long chain proteins.