

Why does Britain not get effected by earthquakes?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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Britain is effected by earthquakes. However because Britain is not near a tectonic plate boundary, the earthquakes that occur tend to be low in magnitude.

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Q: Why does Britain not get effected by earthquakes?
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Why does Britain not get effected by earthquakes and volcanoes?

Because it is not a volcanicaly active region.

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Earthquakes are not at all common here in England. We never have big earthquakes as Great Britain in general is not in an earthquake zone.

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Most parts of the world have small earthquakes every few days, small enough not to be noticed by people in general, only by instruments. Britain is fortunate that it generally has few earthquakes that cause damage, unlike places such as Pakistan and California that have had devastating earthquakes during the last 100 years or so.

Why are there no earthquakes or volcanic eruptions in Britain?

Tectonic activity occurs mostly at plate boundaries. Britain lies on the Euroasian plate, a few thousand miles away from the plate boundary. Earthquakes are sometimes experienced in the centre of plates, like in Britain, due to impulses in the plates, but these earthquakes are usually measured at below four on the Richter scale, and so are mostly undetected by humans.

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There are so many plates on our earth and if two of those plates spread apart, collide, of sink under one another, that causes an earthquake. Some countries are effected more by earthquakes than others.

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Britain and Germany were effected because they were at war against each other.