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There are several reasons to sit that way while meditating. The first is simply practical: if you sit for a long period of time, you could fall asleep or tip over. Sitting up in the lotus position is very stable and comfortable, once you get used to it. Another reason for sitting that way is that the position keeps the natural curves of your spine balanced, which means you won't get tired or sore even if you sit for a long period of time. Not only that, but its easy to keep warm while sitting that way. There are said to be seven centers of spiritual energy or chakras in the body, and sitting in the lotus position facilitates the balance and flow of energy through those chakras.

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16y ago
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13y ago

Buddha is not merely sitting! He is meditating and clearing his mind. He has adopted a position that allows the body to become centered within itself, so that limited effort is required to maintain balance and no cramping of constriction of blood flow occurs and breathing is free and easy. This allows the mind a comfortable state to meditate.

In Zen Buddhism, this process is called Zazen. The positions adopted are the following:

  1. The legs and sitting position are arranged first. There are many positions available - from full lotus (where the legs are placed with the feet on the thighs) to sitting comfortably in a chair. Most often Buddha is shown in the Burmese position.
  2. Next, the spine is arranged over the hips so that the vertebrae are balanced one on top of another (like a column of thimbles) so that the back does not have to strain to maintain an erect position.
  3. The previous step had the advantage of allowing the lungs and diaphragm to work freely. Air can flow in and out without effort.
  4. The hands are folded in the lap in front of the hara(just below the navel). Practitioners place their active hand (the one used most often) on the bottom and the passive hand in the active hand. For most this means left hand in the right. The thumbs just touch. Many Buddha statues show the right hand in the left. The assumption is that this indicated his enlightenment where the passive nature of existence has overcome the active nature most people exhibit.
  5. Finally the head: We breathe through the nose with the mouth closed. The tongue is lightly placed on the upper palate. The eyes are lowered and "look at" a point a meter ahead of you. The eyelids are partially closed to keep the eyes moist and reduce blinking. The chin is a bit in, which follows from balancing the head comfortably on the neck.


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13y ago

So that he can meditate comfortably.

There is worldwide tradition in statues and pictures of leaders of philosophies and religions that each position has a specific meaning. In the case of statues of the Buddha the location of the hands, which foot or hand crosses the other, the direction of the gaze etc. all have meanings. In addition to the sitting Buddha there are standing and reclining statues.

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12y ago

because thats the position you use to medidate, he meditated under the tree of wisdom to find enlightenment

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