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Because its California. Everyone in this dump believes its good to have so many laws and that by having so many, it will deter crime. In all actuality, all those laws really do is jam up our justice system and prisons. We have what we call a 'tough on crime' system. It punishes people by excessive fines and prison time. You could get 5 to 10 years for possessing crack. If you don't live here, good. Do not come here.

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Q: Why does California have so many dumb laws?
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Bankruptcy laws are federal so there is probably no difference in bankruptcy laws between Florida and California.

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Yes, I think it is. We have so many laws concerning things like that.

What are the reasons for some dumb laws?

Some dumb laws were not dumb when passed but became dumb due to technology or community standards or new legal rulings. The process of making a law is complicated but certain. the process of un-making a law is uncertain and complicated.( you have to get a majority to agree) . The lawmakers have little time to expend on unmaking laws as they are so busy making laws. So if a law proves itself to be "dumb' over time, the enforcers just stop wasting time trying to enforce it. The lawmakers do not bother to try to argue to get a majority to repeal the law. They already have too much to argue about. So they do nothing. ( they are good at that and it is free) EXAMPLE: It is still illegal to drive an automobile in Las Vegas. ( The noise frightens the horses) This law would take precious time to bring to a vote to repeal it, so they just do nothing. the police ignore the law. If they tried to enforce it, they would fail.

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ubaid is so dumb

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The same reason there are so many dumb questions here.

If you live in one state but your bank is in another which state laws apply when dealing with a repossession?

Generally the laws of the state where the contract was signed take precedence. I disagree. If the car is registered in California and titled in California, and located in California, California law applies. The validity of the debt, late fees, and so on ARE determined by where the contract was signed, but California has specific laws on the procedure for repossession.

Is the California Constitution different from US Constitution?

The CA Constitution and U.S. Constitution's difference is that CA has a smaller constitution so not so many laws, v.s the U.S. and that they are the whole entire United States so they need laws and Barack Obama doesn't veto as much. hope this helped

Why do people ask dumb questions onthis site?

Doubtless many questions appear 'dumb' when you know the answer. Doubtless many 'dumb' children ask unnecessary questions. The reasons they do so are as varied as those that ask them.

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The duration of Not So Dumb is 1.27 hours.

Does everyone intentionally ask dumb a questions here?

You should have written ''a dumb question'' instead of ''dumb a question'' And no not everyone, but many people do so.. Source: I myself ask dumb questions sometimes because im bored

Why is Justin Bieber so dumb?

Why are you so dumb? You cannot even explain your reasoning to why you think he is dumb in the first place What makes you jump to the conclusion to why he is dumb