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Q: Why does Cole have carry he ancestor rock?
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The ancestor rock in touching spirit bear?

Edwin made Cole carry the rock up a hill, he told Cole the rock is your ancestors and the hill is life. Edwin used this as a lesson for Cole. When they got to the top of the hill Cole put the rock down, the rock then became his anger, Edwin told Cole to push the rock down the hill roll away his anger. With each time you roll the rock away and carry it up the hill you will learn respect said Edwin....An ancestor rock is a rock passed down through the years usually in Indian cultures. Ancestor rocks usually have paintings on them of their past ancestors.

How did the ancestor rock help cole deal with his anger?

The ancestor rock helped Cole deal with his anger by serving as a physical representation of his emotions. By talking to the rock and smashing it as a way to release his anger, Cole was able to confront and process his feelings in a constructive manner. The ritual of interacting with the rock allowed Cole to connect with his emotions and begin to heal.

What does cole think about when he stumbles while carrying the ancestor rock up the hill in Touching Spirit Bear?

Cole thinks about how he is responsible for his own actions, and how carrying the ancestor rock is symbolic of the weight of his past mistakes. He realizes the importance of taking responsibility and working towards healing and redemption.

What does Cole learn from the ancestor rock in the book touching Spirit bear?

he learns that life can change instantly, and it can't be controlled(like when the baby bird's tree was struck, but it wasn't expected, and they depened on it,also)

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What did Cole do when Garvey and Edwin drove away in their boat?

Cole grabbed the closest rock and threw it.

What companies carry Cole Haan Loafer line?

Some companies that carry the Cole Haan Loafer line are Zappos, NordStrom, 6pm, Macys, Amazon, eBay, Dillards, ASOS, Polyvore, Poshmark and the offer Cole Haan website.

What is the symbolism of the at ow and the ancestor rock in touching spirit bear?

The rock symbolizes your ancestors and the at ow symbolizes friendship and trust

What is the common ancestor of rock?

Rocks do not have common ancestors as rocks are non-biological constructs.

When can cole skip a day of soaking in the pond in touching spirit bear?

when he throws a rock

What does the boulder represent in Touching Spirit Bear?

The rock represents Cole's ancestors and their struggle. It also symbolizes Cole anger when he pushes it down the hill.

When running water or wind carry away rock fragments?

The rock cycle.