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Anne feels sad because Mr Koophuis' daughter is really involved at her school, doing school plays and things like that. When she tells everyone in the annexe about the latest play, Anne remembers what she used to do at her school and really misses it. .

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1mo ago

Corry does not intentionally make Anne feel bad in "The Diary of Anne Frank." Anne may feel this way due to her own insecurities and the stressful environment of hiding during World War II. Corry may unintentionally trigger Anne's emotions through misunderstandings or disagreements that arise in close quarters.

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11y ago

uhh... she died

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She dies

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Q: Why does Corry make Anne fell Bad in the diary of Anne Frank?
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Anne Frank's diary was hidden by a family friend after the Frank family was discovered and arrested by the Nazis during World War II. The diary was later published and became a literary classic, providing a firsthand account of the Holocaust from a young girl's perspective.

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Anne Frank became famous for her diary, which she kept while in hiding during the Holocaust. The diary provides a firsthand account of her experiences and thoughts while living in hiding. After her death, her diary was published and became a symbol of the suffering faced by Jews during World War II.

What is Anne Frank's greatest contribution and why?

Many people have different answers, but I think it was her bravery, or even her diary. The diary because she took a risk. If it fell down the stairs of the attic she was hiding in, the Nazis would have read it and found her. Besides, as a kid, wouldn't you have been scared?

Do Anne Frank and Peter Van Dan fall in love?

yes, they fell in love.

What year did anne frank turn 13?

Anne Frank, Born 12. June 1929 at Frankfurt am Main, died of typhoid fever around February/Mars 1945. She died before her 16th birthday. She started writing her diary at age 13. It portray life and her general day as well as how she noticed the changes around her due to war and new laws. Anne Frank "grew up" in a time of great changes. Films portrayed certain people as bad simply because they were of a different race. A lot of people fell for the propaganda and started to see themselves as better than the rest. Much of this is written down by Anne Frank the way she experienced the changes. Anne Frank had to change school due to emerging laws that Jews was not allowed to mix with ordinary peoples. She then went to an all Jewish school. Anne Franks father had plans ready to rescue his family, but somebody blew the whistle at them and they got captured. Her diary has been filmed and I would like to recommend the film if you want to know more about Anne Frank. I can recommend both. "The diary of Anne Frank", was made in 1959. "Anne Frank: The whole story", was made in 2001.

Why did Anne Franks dad remary?

Otto Frank remarried after the Holocaust to begin rebuilding his life and create a sense of normalcy for himself and his family. He found companionship and support in his second wife, Eva Schloss, who had also experienced the horrors of World War II.

When did peter van daan and Anne Frank kiss?

it was when their families were running for life and the 2 families were living in a small room, that was when Anne frank and Van daan fell in love with each other and kissed for the first time

How didd Anne Frank love?

First she liked a boy named hello then she fell in love with Peter Van Daan

How did Anne Frank's sister die?

She died of typhus shortly before Anne Frank also died of typhus.

Who did Anne Frank had a crush on?

Anne Frank before hidding was in love with Peter Wessel ho she dated in the summer before her 6th form year at lower school, but after going into hiding, she fell for Peter Van Pels she was 14 and he was 17 when they shared their first kiss.