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That she will kill herself before she dies as a result of his punishment is the reason why Creon says that his hands will be clean after taking Antigone to the vault in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).

Specifically, Theban Princess Antigone breaks one of her uncle King Creon's laws for which the punishment is dying at the hands of stone-throwing Thebans. Creon concludes that Antigone has the wits and communication skills to turn Thebans against him and his unpopular edict. He therefore decides to have Antigone walled up in a remote cave with enough food to survive but in such a scary place that she will die at her own hands before dying from his ultimate sentence of death by starvation.

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Q: Why does Creon say that his hands will be clean after taking Antigone to the vault in 'Antigone'?
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What does Ismene give as she urges Antigone not to disobey Creon's law in 'Antigone'?

Reminders of parental suffering and societal roles are what Ismene gives as she urges Antigone not to disobey Creon's law in "Oedipus Rex" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban Princess Ismene brings up the shameful consequences of their father's crimes and of their parents' immorality. She characterizes females as obedient and males as decisive. She concludes that traditional female and male roles are being jeopardized by Antigone taking the law into her own hands.

Why does the chorus say that death lies in Antigone's hands in 'Antigone'?

That she uses her hands to commit the crime and that her behavior will affect the outcome of her trial are the reasons why the chorus says that death lies in Antigone's hands in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban Princess Antigone buries her brother Polyneices despite King Creon's edict on the non-burial of the disloyal dead from the recent civil war over the royal succession. She has to bury Polyneices twice since Creon posts guards to prevent or reverse burials. The second time she is arrested and thereby has a chance to defend her actions. During her defense, Antigone's life and the treatment of the dead symbolicallyare in her hands, and she botches the opportunity because of her uncompromising stance and complete disinterest in contrary opinions.

What does Antigone plan on doing in 'Antigone'?

Breaking the law and dying are what Antigone plans to do in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban King Creon issues an edict that changes god-given rights of below-ground burials into arbitrary privileges to be bestowed upon his supporters and denied to his enemies. Creon's niece, Princess Antigone, plans to bury her brother Polyneices even though the edict demands that his body be left above ground to feed birds and dogs. She likewise plans to die in the way specified by the death penalty or by her own hands.

What sentence does Creon impose on Antigone for violating Polyneices burial?

It is initially to just straight up kill Antigone. But then, upon having a meeting with the Seer, who is actually a blind man (ironic much) he decides to change her fate. He will put her in a sealed stone tomb. Therefore no blood will be on his hands when it comes to the death of Antigone. If the gods want to keep her alive, they will. And if not, they won't.

Do both Antigone and her sister die in 'Antigone'?

No, Antigone and her sister do not both die in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban Princess Antigone kills herself rather than serve out her death sentence of starvation and live burial. But her sister, Princess Ismene, is spared by their uncle, King Creon. According to other sources, Ismene dies either at the hands of her brother Eteocles' son Laodamas or during the siege of Thebes that ends with the vindication of her brother Polyneices' legitimate claim to the Theban crown and throne.

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What does Ismene give as she urges Antigone not to disobey Creon's law in 'Antigone'?

Reminders of parental suffering and societal roles are what Ismene gives as she urges Antigone not to disobey Creon's law in "Oedipus Rex" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban Princess Ismene brings up the shameful consequences of their father's crimes and of their parents' immorality. She characterizes females as obedient and males as decisive. She concludes that traditional female and male roles are being jeopardized by Antigone taking the law into her own hands.

Why does the chorus say that death lies in Antigone's hands in 'Antigone'?

That she uses her hands to commit the crime and that her behavior will affect the outcome of her trial are the reasons why the chorus says that death lies in Antigone's hands in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban Princess Antigone buries her brother Polyneices despite King Creon's edict on the non-burial of the disloyal dead from the recent civil war over the royal succession. She has to bury Polyneices twice since Creon posts guards to prevent or reverse burials. The second time she is arrested and thereby has a chance to defend her actions. During her defense, Antigone's life and the treatment of the dead symbolicallyare in her hands, and she botches the opportunity because of her uncompromising stance and complete disinterest in contrary opinions.

What does Antigone plan on doing in 'Antigone'?

Breaking the law and dying are what Antigone plans to do in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban King Creon issues an edict that changes god-given rights of below-ground burials into arbitrary privileges to be bestowed upon his supporters and denied to his enemies. Creon's niece, Princess Antigone, plans to bury her brother Polyneices even though the edict demands that his body be left above ground to feed birds and dogs. She likewise plans to die in the way specified by the death penalty or by her own hands.

What sentence does Creon impose on Antigone for violating Polyneices burial?

It is initially to just straight up kill Antigone. But then, upon having a meeting with the Seer, who is actually a blind man (ironic much) he decides to change her fate. He will put her in a sealed stone tomb. Therefore no blood will be on his hands when it comes to the death of Antigone. If the gods want to keep her alive, they will. And if not, they won't.

Do both Antigone and her sister die in 'Antigone'?

No, Antigone and her sister do not both die in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban Princess Antigone kills herself rather than serve out her death sentence of starvation and live burial. But her sister, Princess Ismene, is spared by their uncle, King Creon. According to other sources, Ismene dies either at the hands of her brother Eteocles' son Laodamas or during the siege of Thebes that ends with the vindication of her brother Polyneices' legitimate claim to the Theban crown and throne.

When is anagnorisis in 'Antigone'?

It is when Antigone realizes that she is dying because she obeys the gods and when Creon realizes that he is the source of the problems in Thebes that anagnorisis takes place in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, the term anagnorisis describes the discovery of a truth. Theban Princess Antigone makes the realization that she is sentenced to death precisely because she does what she is supposed to: obey divine law and respect the gods. Shortly thereafter, her uncle Creon makes the realization that he is the cause of the pestilence and three suicides in Thebes.

Who are Antigone and Ismene in 'Oedipus Rex'?

Sisters and Princesses of Thebes are the identities of Antigone and Ismene in the play "Antigone."Specifically, the sisters are the daughters of King Oedipus and Queen Jocasta. But unbeknownst to the royal family, the monarchs are actually mother and son. Knowledge of that unintended incest results in Jocasta's suicide and in Oedipus' blinding and exile.Despite the scandal, Antigone manages to become engaged to Haemon, her cousin and the son of Theban King Creon. Creon is Antigone's uncle and Jocasta's brother. During Antigone's childhood, Creon jointly rules Thebes with his sister and brother-in-law.With the scandal and Oedipus' overthrow, Antigone's twin brothers, Eteocles and Polyneices, inherit the throne of Thebes. But they end up fighting over their joint power-sharing arrangement. They kill each other, and as a result Creon is back on the throne.As king, Creon allows Eteocles to be buried. He refuses to respect the same god-given rights to Polyneices. Anyone who tries to bury Polyneices according to the will of the gods and in accordance with Theban tradition will be killed.Antigone is sentenced to death once she is discovered burying Polyneices. Her act puts additional stress on her already tense interaction with her sister Ismene. It also ends her engagement to Haemon and all chance for marriage and children.The play gives no indication as to what happens to Ismene. But outside the confines of the play, and according to tradition, Ismene is killed by Tydeus. Ironically, Tydeus is the husband of Deipyle, Argive Princess and sister of Argea, wife of Ismene's brother Polyneices.As is the case with Antigone, Ismene dies unmarried and childless. If she had lived, she may have been able to marry the love of her life, Theoclymenus. But as is the case with Antigone's love Haemon, Theoclymenus dies a violent death. But unlike Haemon, death comes not by his own hands, but by Tydeus' also.

When was Hands Clean created?

Hands Clean was created on 2002-01-08.

When was Clean Hands - Flashpoint - created?

Clean Hands - Flashpoint - was created on 2009-03-13.

How much bacteria are on your hands right now?

It depends. are your hands dirty or clean? Even though you have clean hands, the bacteria swaying in the air catch hold on your hands. So right now, you might approximately have 7,000,000 bacteria on BOTH of your CLEAN hands!

Why does your rabbit start to clean himself when you rub his back?

Maybe your hands are nasty and its trying to clean the filth from your hands off of its partially clean body ...

Does Antigone use a shovel to bury her brother in 'Antigone'?

No, Antigone does not use a shovel to bury her brother in "Antigone" by Sophocles (495 B.C.E. - 405 B.C.E.).Specifically, Theban Princess Antigone uses just her hands to bury her brother Polyneices. She says that with her sister Ismene's help she can give their brother a below-ground burial. Without her help, Antigone just has enough strength for a partial burial, whereby the body is left above ground and covered with a layer of dust.