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Q: Why does Douglass apologize in his speech?
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When did Frederick Douglass give his speech?

in 18857

What part of speech is apologize?

It is a noun.

What would you say is a universal theme that Douglass is addressing in Frederick Douglass' speech on July 4 1852?


Character traits of Frederick Douglass?

three characteristics of Frederick Douglass are that he was intelligent and had a gift of speech, he was funny, and loving

What were the results of Frederick Douglass' speech?

there was applause and people stood up with lots of cheers . :)

What did Frederick Douglass do before he died?

said a speech to the national council of women in Washington

Where did Frederick Douglass speech?

Douglas spoke at several Abolitionist meetings throughout the North, and in England.

What is the name of the speech that Frederick Douglass gave about slavery?

The speech was called "The Hypocrisy of American Slavery" given July 4, 1852 at Rochester, NY

Who did Frederick Douglass address when he gave his speech What The Black Man Wants?

A group of Abolitionist in Boston, MS.

What is Frederick douglass's famous speech?

i had a dream was about people should be treated equal

Did Fredrick Douglass's speech supporting womens right to vote help persuade the convention to approve the resolution?

Yes it did

In Frederick Douglass speech excerpt what to the slave is the Fourth of July give examples of ethos pathos and logos he uses?

Logos is the logic behind his speech. Ask yourself, Was his argument valid? Why or why not? and, What parts of his speech added to its validity? Pathos is the emotion invoked in a piece. Ask yourself, What about this speech caused emotional responses from his readers/listeners? Was it the horrors of slavery he describes? Ethos is his credibility. Ask yourself, What about Douglass makes his speech credible? was it that he was a Black man that had seen first hand the terrors of slavery and then horrors it allowed?