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This example in declining proficiency is probably simple proofreading errors.

Generally, it is likely attributable to the fact that each generation is less bound by tradition that the generation preceding it. I am not as concerned about the form of my communication as my parents, my children are less concerned than I.

The rapid decline in the last few years has probably come at the hands (or thumbs) of the SMS revolution and the rapid increase of abbreviations and substitution in instant messaging.


I would add the crushing power of the computer and telecommunications trades, which have managed to muddle words' meanings. This loses the differences between words like 'content' (adjective of mood) and 'contents' (noun: that which is contained). In the UK: 'mobile' phones are NOT mobile, but 'portable' but the advertisers called them 'mobile' so "we all" do. I don't!

Languages always change, but more recently we have seen an almost enforced reduction in quality.

I do not know how English is taught in the USA but a striking aspect of speech in the UK now is an utter inability to understand what simple words really mean. Consequently, as well as content/ contents, mobile/ portable, and uninterest/ disinterest, we hear or read tautologies like 'meet [talk] with' and 'the reason is because'; or the pseudo-intellectual tripe beloved of business managers: 'identifying requirements going forward' and the like.

As for "like"... Teenage girls would be lost without a word they clearly cannot understand!

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9y ago
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14y ago

One of the many reasons for the decline of standard English is the use of instant messaging clients and SMS. Another reason is also thought to be the amount of effort that the youth of today put into their work and their willingness to do as they are asked.

Remember that there are still many people, including youths, who try at all times to use correct English.

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11y ago

That means inability to use the language appropriately . Also, it means lack of fruitful communication in English .

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12y ago

It means that your english got worse.

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