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Q: Why does Giles Corey interrupt Judge Hathorne?
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What famous writer is judge hathorne related to?

Nathanial Hawthorne (author of "The Scarlet Letter")

Who is Hawthorne in the play The Crucible?

hathorne is the judge that sits next to danforth in the courtroom scene

Is Danforth a judge in The Crucible?

Danforth is Deputy Governor of the Province; in the book, he serves the purpose of chief judge (Hathorne, the other judge, has no influence over him).

Who was the relative in the crucible related to judge hathorne?

The author Nathaniel Hawthorne was related to Judge Hathorne, the W was added to the surname so as to avoid association with Judge Hathorne but I can't remember if this was done by Nathanial Hawthorne himself or if it was done earlier in his ancestory. Nathanial Hawthorne wrote The Scarlett Letter about an adultrous living in a puritan town who had to wear a red letter 'A' on her arm after her release from prison where she had served time for adultery.

How old was judge john hathorne during the Salem witch trials in 1692?

He was between 50 and 52.

What does judge hathorne ask Mary warren to do in court that she cannot do?

Judge Hawthorne and Marry Warren are fictional characters from the story, The Crucible. The judge asked Mary to faint and she couldn't.

Hawthornes relatives in the Salem witch trials?

His great-great granfather was John Hathorne, judge in the Salem Witch Trials.

What judge hathorne want in the play the crucible?

he wants Abigal to confess of witchcraft but mostly he wants all this nosense to end

Who is hathorne in The Crucible by Arthur Miller?

The judge presiding over the Salem witch trials along with Deputy Governor Danforth.

What happened to judge hathorne after the trial in Salem?

Having portrayed the role of Judge Hathorne at the Rochester Opera House, I did some research on the real-life character. Judge John Hathorne was not what we'd call "Mr. Nice Guy"! While he was clearly clever and educated, he was also not a very happy man at the time of the Salem witch trials. Consider that he was the sitting judge in the village of Salem. Once word reached Boston of the hysteria that was taking place in Salem, Judge Danforth (who was also the Deputy Governor) was sent up to Salem in order to take charge of the proceedings. This relegated Hathorne to "second fiddle", so to speak, as witnessed by the fact he had to ask Danforth for permission to question Mary Warren. After the trials, most of the judges (including Danforth) recanted for their actions. Hathorne...alone... went to the grave (in 1717) without ever recanting for his actions. He truly believed that he had done the work of God. EDIT: Clearly, his great-grandson disagreed about what "god" wanted. The famous Nathaniel Hawthorne was born Hathorne. He added the "W" to distance himself from his infamous ancestor.

When did nathanial hathorne change his name?

He changed his name when he was in his early 20's, once he found out that his great-great-grandfather was a judge who oversaw some of the Salem Witch Trials

What is the connection between the Judge of the Salem witch trial and Nathaniel Hawthorne?

There were multiple judges during the trials. Nathaniel Hawthorne's great-great-grandfather was one of them, a man by the name of John Hathorne.