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Q: Why does Iowa have their caucus so early in an election year?
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Where is the first and most widely publicized caucus today?

The first binding event, in which a candidate can secure convention delegates, is traditionally the Iowa caucus, usually held in late January or early February of the presidential election year.

What state holds the first caucus leading up to next year's presidential election?


Does each state have a cacus?

First of all Caucus is spelled incorrectly in the question. No there are seven caucus states for 2008. The number can change from year to year. A state can either have a caucus or a primary election, they are two different methods for selecting a candidate for each party. Some states traditionally have a caucus from year to year, New Hampshire and Iowa being two great examples. For 2008, Five of the Seven Caucus states are: Minnesota North Dakota Iowa New Hampshire Nevada

Why is the Iowa caucus important?

it is important because it is the start of the presidential election. in other words it is the beginning to a new beginning. if you are voted to move on in the caucus the poll moves to New Hampshire this year(2012). this year the presidential candidates will be picked on Tuesday November 6th.

When is the presidential republican primary election?

Primaries begin in January of an election year. The Iowa caucus and New Hampshire primaries are usually the first, with one or two state primaries each week until "Super Tuesday," a single day in late February or early March when nearly half the states conduct primaries and caucuses.

How does the presidential caucus work in Iowa?

In the Iowa caucus there isn't a secret ballot - it's a very different type of voting. The following video on YouTube from Edwards's campaign office is an entertaining way to educate yourself on how a caucus vote is actually cast. Iowa Caucus Video: It will be very interesting this year! susan

What Presidents have won the Iowa caucus?

Every U.S. President since Gerald Ford won at least one Iowa Caucus, but not necessarily in (a) year(s) in which they also won their party's nomination or the election.Ford won in '76 (lost election)Carter won in '76 (won election) and '80 (lost election)Reagan won in '76 (lost nomination) and '84 (won election)G. H. W. Bush won in '80 (lost nomination) and '92 (lost election)Clinton won in '96 (won election)G. W. Bush won in '00 and '04 (won both elections)Obama won in '08 (won election) and '12 (election in the future at this time)

The presidential primary season begins in which month?

The presidential primary is part of the nominating process of United States presidential elections. It starts in the month of January.

Who is the youngest school board member in Iowa?

A 19 year old in Oskaloosa Iowa looks to be the youngest. He won election in 2011 as an 18 year old, defeating a long time incumbent.

When do stated prefer to hold their primaries?

early in the election year

The first presidential cacus is held in Ohio?

The first presidential caucus is held in the state of Ohio. The first presidential primary is held in New Hampshire in January of the election year.

What are quaifications for serving in Iowa senate?

To serve in the Iowa Senate a person must be at least 25 years of age, a citizen of the United States, and shall have been an inhabitant of one year next prior to election, and at the time of his election shall have had an actual residence of sixty days in the county, or district he may have been chosen to represent.