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What in the ever lovin' sam hill are you talking about ? Hanging around this site

as much as I do, I've heard some tall ones, and even taken a crack at answering

a few of them now and then. But I'm not sure I've ever heard one as wild and wide

of the mark as this one. Maybe we're all lucky that you're not any better at clearly

stating what you mean.

Wait! That's it! That's why this question has such a visceral impact. It's the

same reason that radio is better than television. The presentation is so rough

and so full of holes that the listener, or the reader, has to fill in the blanks with

his own imagination, and find a way to explain it to himself, and in doing that,

each individual uses whatever pleases him, or stimulates him, or shocks him

the most.

So Israels kills the cute kids ? As I struggle to make head or tail of this question,

my imagination says it has to mean one of two things:

-- Either it means that Israel trains people to crawl across the international

boundaries at night, and to travel in secret airplanes and submarines to cities

all over the world, and blend in with the masses in those cities, keep their eyes

open, watching, waiting, and watching some more, until a cute kid passes by,

and then, when the time is right, ZOP ! They spring from the shadows and kill

the cute kid. In Rome, in Paris, in New York, in New Delhi, in Damascus, in

Moscow, in Skokie and in Winnipeg, wherever kids are, if they're cute, they're

in mortal danger, because sooner or later thay're going to be killed by an Israel.

-- Or else it means that when a kid is born in Israel, if it's cute, then they kill it

right away, and that's why there are no cute kids in Israel and they're all ugly.

Whichever one is the meaning of the question, it works out badly for whoever

dumped it here. If it's the first meaning, then the person is gullible and slightly

deranged. If it's the second meaning, then he has also insulted my two Israeli

grandchildren, who are cute as all get-out and showing definite signs of being

around for a long time despite being surrounded by Israels in every direction.

Either way, sir, we have nothing more to say to each other. Good day to you.

Please get help.

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It is a consequence of Hamas using civilians as a human shield.

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