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Jack symbolizes the animalistic tendencies found in the human condition. This is first shown when jack focuses intently on getting meat. He is consumed by primal urges and pulls away from societal ideas. He applies the colored clay to his face to symbolize his reverting back to a more primal state. Over the course of the book he has continued to progress to this end and the clay just shows the final aspect of this stage.
Because he uses the clay as a mask to cover up his responsibility to morality and therefore allows him to commit dreadful deads allowing his inner savage to come to surface

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1mo ago

Jack's personality changes after applying colored clay to his face in "Lord of the Flies" because it serves as a mask that allows him to tap into his primal instincts and embrace his savage nature. The anonymity and liberation provided by the paint allow Jack to shed societal constraints and embrace his desire for power and control.

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11y ago

Jack uses clay. The colors are red and white. He wishes he had green, but does not have any.

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Q: Why does Jack's personality change when he applies the colored clay to his face in Lord of the Flies?
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