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Because they're made from dreams!

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Q: Why does Jolly Ranchers make your mouth tingle?
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Related questions

How do you get the most flavor out of Jolly Ranchers?

Make the Jolly Rancher hot.

How do you make the Jolly Rancher drink at home?

Blend the jolly ranchers and gine with ice

What company make Jolly Ranchers?

The Hershey Company

Why do Jolly Ranchers make your tongue a different coclor?

..... They add food coloring to Jolly Ranchers, that when you eat them it gets on your tongue............. It's not naturally blue, green, red, and purple you know.

What does cough syrup sprite nd Jolly Ranchers make?

Purple drank.

How do you make jolly ranchers?

usually, you make it by cutting a long strip of flavored sugar and you roll it with a machine called mersecut to make the shape of the jolly rancher. then you rapp it in a wrapper and serve.

How many jolly ranchers are sold a year?

There are many jolly rancher lollipops sold every year. The estimated amount is 1.2 billion JR lollipops sold per year!

How do they make Jolly Ranchers taste like a certain flavor?

They taste the way they do because the factory workers add artificial flavorings to the melted sugar that the actual jolly rancher is made out of.

How you use tingle in a sentence?

You make me tingle! There's a tingle in the air.

Can you get fat eating jolly ranchers?

Eating any type of candy can make you fat, yes. It's called junk food because it has no nutrition - only calories which is why you get fat eating it.

How does Lil Wayne make his sizzurp?

you take promethazine-codiene, syrup and u mix it with sprite, only like a shot of this stuff, and then u get jolly ranchers and mix it and u got it, sip slow and enjoy

What food would you use to make a mitochondria in an edible cell?

I think sugar would because it gives you energy just like the mitochondria!