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Jonas decides not to confess because he fears the consequences of revealing his actions, as he recognizes that what he did goes against the rules of the community and could result in punitive measures. Additionally, he realizes that his decision to break the rules was driven by a desire to help his family and believes that confessing would only cause more harm than good.

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Q: Why does Jonas decide not to confess giving a memory away?
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Why does Jonas decide not to confess about giving away a memory?

Jonas decides not to confess because he doesn't want to compromise his ability to keep memories alive in the community. He realizes that if he confesses, he will be removed from his position as Receiver of Memory and the memories he carries will be lost forever. Additionally, he understands that the community is not ready to accept the truth about the memories.

How did the receiver feel after transmitting a memory to Jonas?

old receiver feel tried because he was giving his memory to jonas<<<i think>>>>

How did the old receiver feel after the transmitting a memory to Jonas?

old receiver feel tried because he was giving his memory to jonas<<<i think>>>>

What does Jonas notice about the receiver of memory's dwelling?

Read the book although what happens is he loses the memory after giving it to jonas

How did Jonas decide he felt?

Jonas decided he felt angry and frustrated after he was exposed to the truth about the society's atrocities and the role of the Receiver of Memory. This realization made him question the fairness and morality of the community he lived in, leading to feelings of resentment towards its leaders.

How did Jonas get sunshine memory?

Jonas received the sunshine memory from The Giver through the process of "transferring." The Giver transmitted the memory to Jonas by placing his hands on Jonas's bare back. Jonas then experienced the memory as if it were his own.

What happens when The Giver transmits the memory?

When The Giver transmits a memory to Jonas, he transfers the memory by placing his hands on Jonas's back, and the memory enters Jonas's mind through a shared consciousness. Jonas then experiences the memory as if he were the one who originally had the experience.

How did the old receiver of memory transmit the-memory of snow to Jonas?

he puts his hands on jonas's back

Why does Jonas decide to keep secret how he calms gabriel?

Well, when Jonas asked his parents if Gabriel could sleep in his room that night, he was still restless. Accidentally, when trying to calm him, Jonas passed him his memory of the sailboat on the lake, the Giver had given it to him. Gabriel went quiet. Later in the book, when Gabriel and Jonas were in the snow, Jonas gave Gabriel the memory of fire, and warmth. I hope this helped you!

What memory did the giver release to jonas that had smoke and canons?

The memory that the Giver released to Jonas with smoke and cannons was a war memory. In this memory, Jonas experienced the chaotic and destructive nature of war for the first time, which left a deep impact on him. Through this memory, Jonas gained a better understanding of conflict and its consequences.

What is the givers reaction on Jonas first memory?

The giver is pleased with Jonas's reaction to his first memory, as Jonas demonstrates understanding and empathy for the person in the memory. The giver sees potential in Jonas to become a good Receiver of Memory.

What Memory Worse than Sunburn Does The Giver Transmits To Jonas?

the giver gave Jonas the memory of civil war and Jonas saw men dying and a child asking him for water