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Juliet becomes frantic when the nurse pretends that she is too tired to give her the news. Finally the nurse tells her that she is to go see Friar Lawrence so that she can be wed to her love, Romeo.

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13y ago

The nurse has been sent on a mission to Romeo to find out if he's serious about marrying Juliet. Juliet is desperate to hear the answer. But the nurse babbles on and on about how her back is sore and how handsome Romeo is and will not tell Juliet what Romeo says about them getting married. This drives Juliet spare.

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12y ago

Let's face it, the nurse's moral compass isn't exactly reliable. She advises Juliet that since Romeo's in Mantua she should go ahead and marry Paris. In her view, the Romeo thing wasn't really a marriage, more a roll in the hay. Juliet is not impressed by this point of view.

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11y ago

Because the Nurse teases her by talking about everything in the world except what Romeo had to say, which is the only thing Juliet wants to hear.

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12y ago

Her nurse counsels her to commit bigamy.

Also, in a different scene, because the nurse strays off topic over and over when Juilet wants to know what Romeo said.

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11y ago

In Act 2 Scene 5 she is annoyed with the nurse who returns from her interview with Romeo but refuses to tell Juliet what Romeo had to say.

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10y ago

because she tells juliet to commit bigamy

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Q: Why does Juliet become irritated when the Nurse does return?
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Why does Juliet becomes so irritated when the nurse finally returns?

Juliet becomes irritated when the nurse returns because she is impatient to hear news from Romeo and the nurse takes too long to share the information. Juliet is anxious about her future and frustrated by the delay in getting updates about her love.

For whom does Juliet wait in Act 2 scene v?

In Act 2, Scene 5, Juliet is waiting for the nurse to return with news from Romeo about their plans for their secret marriage. Juliet eagerly anticipates the nurse's return so she can hear what Romeo has arranged.

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Juliet becomes irritated because the nurse builds up curiosity in Juliet making her wait for the information she desperately wants/ needs to hear

How long was Juliet waiting on the nurse to return with news from romeo?

3 hours

In romeo and Juliet how long have the nurse been gone?

She has to wait three hours. She sent the nurse at 9, and the nurse returned around 12.

Who teases the Nurse and causes her to become angry?

Juliet teases the Nurse by intentionally drawing out information about Romeo, causing the Nurse to become frustrated and angry.

What is the setting of act 2 scene 5 in romeo and Juliet?

The scene is set in the Capulet residence, where Juliet awaits the return of the nurse.

Why is Juliet is impatient for the nurse to return?

Juliet is impatient because she sent the nurse to meet with Romeo and ask when they can see each other and the nurse hasn't returned despite how long she's been gone.

Who does Juliet send to speak with Romeo?

The Nurse. :)

Who first tells romeo and Juliet who other is?

They both learn their respective identities from the nurse: Romeo first, then Juliet.

Who does Romeo tell to ask Juliet to meet him in the afternoon at Friar Laurence's cell where they will be married.?

Juliet's nurse.

Why is Juliet angry at the nurse?

because the nurse is big fat and ugly and has no friends and orderes juliet around that is why she is angry at the nurse