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Korean culture has many valued traditions that are different from the rest of the world, as is the case with different races and beliefs. To the Koreans, removing pubic hair is considered to have connotations to pedophilia.

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7mo ago

Korean culture does not necessarily value long pubic hair. Like any culture, preferences regarding personal grooming may vary among individuals. It is important to avoid generalizations and recognize that grooming practices are subjective and can differ among people within any given culture.

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Q: Why does Korean culture value long pubic hair?
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Can you have pubic hair on your breast?

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Why do pubic hair hurt after guys shave?

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Is all hair below the waist called pubic hair?

Hair that surrounds the "pubic" region, specifically that around the external genitalia, is referred to as pubic hair or "Pubes". Hair that appears elsewhere on the body is not considered "pubic" hair even though it may become more pronounced or heavier during puberty when pubic hair grows most rapidly.

If you have a lot of hair on your legs does that mean you have pubic hair?

Not always, some people get hairy legs before they develop pubic hair. Pubic hair starts to grow during puberty.

Are hair extensions come from pubic hair?

No. Hair extensions can be made from several things such as real human hair, synthetic hair, animal hair....but never pubic hair. That would be very unsanitary and besides, pubic hair is too short.

Is it bad to shave your pubes?

Hair removal for pubic hair has been a common practice for people in some Middle Eastern and Muslim societies for centuries. There has been a great surge in public interest for pubic hair removal services in our western society since the nineties due to celebrity endorsements of Brazilian waxing and the growing acceptance of skimpy bikinis like the Brazilian bikini that require a shaven pubic region to complete the sexy look. Without further delay, let's find out why hair removal for pubic hair is necessary for you.Top 7 Reasons For Removing Your Pubic Hair (In No Particular Order)Pubic hair in the pubic area is a hotspot for germs that cause foul odor and skin irritations. Shaving of the pubic hair will greatly reduce the likelihood of these problems.You want to look good in your bathing suit. An unshaven pubic area will destroy the sexy hairless bikini line look when you wear a bikini or a pair of swimming trunks.Islamic traditions recommend the removal of pubic hair and armpit hair. If you are a Muslim, you might be required to do it.Swimsuit models, lingerie models, adult film actors and dancers may be required to shave their pubic hair for professional reasons to look good for their professions.Your culture favors women with little or no hair in the pubic region and you would like to fit into your society as much as possible.Your partner likes your pubes to be shaved and it seems to intensify his or her pleasure during sex.You like to style your pubic hair and maybe even change your pubic hair color for beauty reasons.No matter what your motivation is, hair removal for pubic hair is increasingly necessary in our modern society. However, very little information is available on how to do it ourselves. This ignorance on proper hair removal for pubic hair causes unpleasant side effects like pubic pimples, pubic rashes, pubic hair bumps and ingrown pubic hair.

Does everyone have pubic hair?

Unless they shave it, but yes. Everyone gets pubic hair.

Why do pubic lice go on pubic hair?

The best guess for why pubic lice prefer pubic hair is that the hairs area spaced just right for the size of the insect.

Does having less pubic hair make your penis look bigger?

no pubic hair is disgusting

Straight pubic hair?

Hair straightener

Is there a robot with human hair?

pubic hair