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Leafpool wants to keep the fact Cinderheart is Cinderpelt a secret so she won't feel influenced by her former life.

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Leafpool wants to keep the secret because Cinderheart's true identity may create confusion and disrupt the peace within ThunderClan. Additionally, revealing the truth may bring back painful memories and emotions for Cinderheart, as well as challenge her sense of identity and purpose. It is ultimately a decision made to protect Cinderheart and the well-being of ThunderClan.

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Q: Why does Leafpool want to keep a secret that Cinderheart is actually Cinderpelt?
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How does leafpool hide the secret of her having kits?

Leafpool hides her secret by confiding in Squirrelflight, who agrees to raise the kits as her own. Leafpool distances herself from her kits, Jayfeather, Lionblaze, and Hollyleaf, and the clan is led to believe they are Squirrelflight's. Only a select few, including Cinderpelt, her sister, know the truth.

Who was Cinderpelt's apprentice?

Cinderpelt is a fluffy dark gray she-cat with enormous blue eyes. One of her legs is twisted awkwardly because of an accident with a Twoleg monster.Into the WildCinderpelt is actually first seen in Into the Wild. She and her siblings (Brackenkit, Brightkit, and Thornkit) were the kits who were supposedly stolen by Yellowfang, but whom Yellowfang was really trying to rescue. ShadowClan had kidnapped them.Firepaw and Graypaw of ThunderClan went to rescue them and Firepaw pulled out a kit with "fur gray like the embers after a fire". This was probably Cinderkit, because she was the only gray kit. Fire and IceCinderkit, now known as Cinderpaw, was apprenticed to Fireheart, along with her brother, Brackenpaw, who was trained by Graystripe. Cinderpaw was an eager apprentice, impatient and ready to learn. During her apprenticeship, Tigerclaw had set a trap for the ThunderClan leader, Bluestar, near the Thunderpath, saying he had detected ShadowClan on ThunderClan territory, and he urged Bluestar to come.Fireheart couldn't go deliver the message of Bluestar's sickness to Tigerclaw, because he was going to get catmint (the treatment for greencough) for Bluestar. Cinderpaw asked if she could go get Tigerclaw's message instead, but Fireheart said no. Against Fireheart's orders, Cinderpaw went to deliver the message, and strayed onto the Thunderpath because Tigerclaw left his scent marker to close to it. Cinderpaw was hit by a Twoleg monster, and though she was permanently crippled, she survived because of Yellowfang's care. Forest of SecretsIn Forest of Secrets, Cinderpaw decides to become a medicine cat. Cinderpaw aided Silverstream, Graystripe's mate, while she gave birth to Stormkit and Featherkit. Both kits survived, but Silverstream's death while giving birth left Cinderpaw worried for quite some time that she was not meant to become a medicine cat. Yellowfang assured her that such things are normal, and she gradually overcame it.She later goes looking for berries with Fireheart, telling him to let Cloudkit come along after he tries to follow them out of camp. While out she stops him from almost eating deathberries, telling him to remember what they look like and never eat them. This also helps Fireheart recognize the berries near the end of the book when he sees Yellowfang feeding them to Brokentail. Cloudkit also passes the news on to the other kits about the deathberries.Soon after the treachery of Tigerclaw was revealed, she was fetching a magpie from the fresh-kill pile for Bluestar, but it was rotting, and covered in maggots. Cinderpaw thought this was an omen from StarClan, saying that Bluestar's leadership was rotting away from the inside out. Rising StormCinderpaw seems to get her medicine cat name in between Forest of Secrets and Rising Storm.When a fire breaks out in ThunderClan territory, Fireheart asks for a cat to help him save Patchpelt, Halftail, and Bramblekit. Cinderpelt volunteers to go and says that she can die because she is no use to the Clan because of her injured leg. However, Fireheart refuses to let her and brings Graystripe instead. Yellowfang is trapped inside the camp when a burning tree falls across the entrance to camp. When Fireheart tells the Clan this, Cinderpelt becomes anxious for her mentor.When Fireheart finds Yellowfang and tells the Clan how and when she died, Cinderpelt is badly shaken. After Yellowfang's death, Cinderpelt became the full medicine cat of ThunderClan. She was nervous at first, but Fireheart reassures her that she will do fine. A Dangerous PathShe has a quarrel with Sandstorm in A Dangerous Path because Sandstorm continues to take up most of Fireheart's time. In a chat with Erin Hunter, it is said that Cinderpelt was in love with Firestar, and she never stopped loving him, making her unsympathetic to Leafpool when she runs off with Crowfeather. Eventually, she learns to control her feelings, and she warms up considerably toward Sandstorm later.The Darkest HourCinderpelt goes with Firestar to the Moonstone for his nine-lives ritual. She knows Firestar's ritual was interrupted by scenting blood. When it is time for the battle with BloodClan, Cinderpelt is ready to heal any hurt cats and she is allowed to have Fernpaw to help her, making Duspelt happy that Fernpaw wouldn't get hurt. In the Super Edition SeriesFirestar's QuestShe, along with Graystripe and Sandstorm, are suspicious of Firestar because he wants to leave his Clan. Later, Graystripe and Cinderpelt stay and care for the Clan while Firestar and Sandstorm go to restore SkyClan. She tries very hard to save Longtail's sight. In the New Prophecy SeriesMidnightShe becomes a mentor to Leafpaw. She received the fire and tiger prophecy while she was collecting herbs in the forest. It took the form of a piece of burning bracken, which, for a moment, took the form of a tiger leaping through the flames. A piece of Twoleg junk was hit by a sun beam, and reflected onto the bracken. MoonriseCinderpelt takes care of her shattered Clan, but Dappletail dies of eating a poisoned rabbit, even though Cinderpelt tried to stop her, and Larchkit dies of starvation. DawnCinderpelt was the first ThunderClan cat to see Brambleclaw and Squirrelpaw after they returned. Cinderpelt attacked Squirrelpaw, not recognizing her, because she thinks that Squirrelpaw is trying to steal her herbs. She later recoginized her and figures out where she and Brambleclaw had been, explains to them why ThunderClan was staying at Sunningrocks, and later takes them back to see Firestar. StarlightIn Starlight, Cinderpelt gives Leafpaw her full name, Leafpool. She also sees Leafpool, her apprentice, staring at Crowfeather, a cat from another Clan, and she tells Leafpool to be careful where her affections fall. Leafpool denies that she even likes Crowfeather. TwilightShe received troubling news from StarClan in the beginning of Twilight. Bluestar told her that she will die sometime soon, although StarClan does not know when. Knowing that there is no way to change this, Cinderpelt submits to Bluestar's words, and she is comforted by the words of the other StarClan cats.Throughout the book, she suspects Leafpool and Crowfeather's love affair, but does not say anything until, one night, she startles them during a secret meeting. Cinderpelt and Leafpool have a fight, and Cinderpelt acts very angry and devestated about it. In an Erin Hunter Chat, it is revealed that Cinderpelt loved Leafpool's father, Firestar, so she was very mad at Leafpool for making the same mistake. Leafpool and Crowfeather run away, leaving her devastated.During their absence, Sorreltail begins to have her kits. While she is kitting, badgers begin to attack the camp. She defends them as well as she can, but it is useless. Cinderpelt is severely wounded, and Leafpool walks in just as she is about to die. Cinderpelt is carried out to be buried by Goldenflower, Mousefur, and Longtail. SunsetLeafpool finds out in this book from Spottedleaf of StarClan that Cinderpelt has been reborn in Sorreltail's kit, Cinderkit, and that is why she had not seen Cinderpelt in StarClan. Spottedleaf shows Leafpool in a dream that Cinderpelt is still alive with a second chance. In the Power of Three SeriesSunriseEven though Cinderpelt didn't appear, when Honeyfern was bitten by the snake, Leafpool looks at Cinderheart pleadingly probably because she was hoping for the help of Cinderpelt in Cinderheart.Also, when Hollyleaf tells the gathering about her parents, it is said that Cinderheart looked as if she had knowledge of an older, wiser cat. Which might have meant she was acting more like Cinderpelt then. NOTE: Cinderpelt (the deceased ThunderClan medicine cat) is also CInderheart. StarClan gave Cinderpelt another chance to become a warrior.

Did leafpool kill herself?

No, at least, not yet. Leafpool became a warrior after Hollyleaf told the others of her secret.

Does Leafpool still live in ThunderClan after the little secret?


What is hollyleafs secret?

Hollyleaf killed Ashfur and attempted to kill Leafpool.

What are rumours for Night Whispers?

Lionblaze and Cinderheart are mates but then Lionblaze tells Cinderheart his secret about Heathertail and she gets mad (not wanting to be his mate) and that is pretty much all i know! hope this helps! :) :) :)

What happened to Leafpool after Jayfeather became ThunderClan's medicine cat?

After Jayfeather became ThunderClan's medicine cat, Leafpool became a warrior once again. She continued to serve her Clan and support Jayfeather in his new role. Leafpool remained a respected and valued member of ThunderClan.

Is leafpool's secret a real book?

No, but a good explanation of her secret is the last 2 books in The Power of Three and the first book of Omen of the Stars explain the consequences of the secret.

Who finds out Leafpool kills Ashfur?

Leafpool didn't kill AshfurIt is revealed in the prologue of Sunrise by Leafpool when she finds tufts of fur in Ashfur's claws that someone did kill him but it is unknown to the reader. At the end it is revealed Hollyleaf killed him.

What are Jayfeather Hollyleaf and Lionblaze's secret?

They are the three cats of the prophecy There will be three, kin of your kin, who hold the power of the stars in their paws.SPOILER ALERT-Actually, Hollyleaf isn't part of the prophecy. It is actually Lionblaze, Jayfeather, and Dovepaw, who is introduced as Dovekit in Sunrise.In Sunrise, Hollyleaf tells everyone at the gathering that they are not Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw's kits, but in fact, Leafpool and Crowfeather's.They are also Leafpool and Crowfeather's kits, not Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw.

Did leafpool ever tell crowfeather she had kits?

she didn't, but Holleyleaf(her daughter) revealed the secret to the clans in the book Sunrise.

Why did Sqirrelflight keep Leafpools secret that she had kits?

Well because Medicine Cats aren't supposed to have kits (which Leafpool did- with Crowfeather) so her sister Squirrelflight keeped the secret.