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Macduff calls Duncan's death a godless murder because it was a treacherous act committed against a divinely appointed king. Killing a king, who was believed to be chosen by God, was considered a grave sin and a direct violation of divine law. The act was seen as a sacrilegious and without the approval of any higher power.

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Q: Why does Macduff call Ducan's death a godless murder?
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How does macduff receive the news of his family's murder?

Macduff blames himself for their death (because he left them unprotected).

What is Macduff's flaw in M acbeth?

Macduff pratically deserted his family. Instead of being with them, he went to England to find Malcolm and convince him to come back to Scotland and be the king. While Macduff was in England, Macbeth ordered the assassains to go to Macduff's house and murder him and his family. Macduff wasn't there to protect his family. Macduff's flaw is that he cared more about his job/Duncan's death than his own family. He went to England without telling his family so they were killed.

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What revenge can Macduff not get on Macbeth?

The massacre of an entire household is the revenge that Macduff cannot get on Macbeth.Specifically, Macbeth orders the murder of all inhabitants of Macduff's castle. Macduff suspects that Macbeth's actions are headed in that direction. So he escapes death by fleeing across the border between Scotland and England. He leaves behind his possessions and household, including his wife and family. In England, Macduff learns that there are no Macduff survivors other than himself in the aftermath of Macbeth's raid.Ultimately, Macduff fights and kills his sovereign. But Macbeth's Lady already dies at her own hands, Macbeth appears to have no descendants, and Macbeth's supporters desert to the combined armies of the invading English and disgruntled Scots.

How did the murderers kill Macduff's family?

The murderers killed Macduff's family by stabbing them to death. In Act 4 Scene 2, Macbeth [c. 1014-August 15, 1057] decided that Macduff needed to be eliminated. But he learned that Macduff already had left Scotland for England. So he decided to carry out his murderous plan against Macduff's entire family and household. The Fife Castle massacre left nothing living and breathing alive.

Why might Macduff in particular be keen to seek Macbeth's death?

Macduff is keen to seek Macbeth's death because Macbeth has murdered his family, including his wife and children. Macduff sees it as his duty to seek revenge and rid Scotland of Macbeth's tyrannical rule. Additionally, Macduff is loyal to the rightful king, Malcolm, and believes that Macbeth's death is necessary to restore order and justice to the kingdom.

In the play Macbeth what important events took action in Fife Castle?

In Macbeth, important events that take place at Fife Castle include Macduff's discovery of Duncan's murder, Malcolm's testing of Macduff's loyalty, and the gathering of forces to overthrow Macbeth. It is also where Lady Macbeth's illness and eventual death occur.

What best describes Lady Macbeth's death A She dies offstage B She sleepwalks off of the palace wall C She declares her guilt and stabs herself D Macduff slays her in revenge for his wife's murder?

She dies offstage.......

What is the date of lady macduff's death?

Lady Macduff is killed offstage in Act 4, Scene 2 of William Shakespeare's play "Macbeth." The exact date of her death is not specified in the text.

What is the duration of Murder by Death?

The duration of Murder by Death is 1.57 hours.

Who discovers king Duncan's body?

Macduff and Lennox appeared at Inverness Castle, which was Macbeth's home. Macduff indicated that the King had wanted him to stop by early. Macbeth led Macduff to the room where the King was staying. But only Macduff went inside. Macduff therefore was first to discover the murdered King Duncan.