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He calls himself noman because in ancient greek it was a wordplay. Odysseus and Odisseus both sound very similar but Odisseus means noman. So it was an ancient pun.

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Q: Why does Odysseus call himself Noman?
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What name does Odysseus call himself?

Odysseus calls himself Noman..

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When Odysseus introduced himself as "No Man," he cunningly deceived Polyphemus, the Cyclops. By doing so, Odysseus made it difficult for Polyphemus to identify him later when seeking vengeance. As a result, when Odysseus and his men blinded the Cyclops and escaped, Polyphemus couldn't call out a specific name for help, allowing Odysseus to continue on his journey without immediate retribution.

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He told the cyclopes that his name was "Noman".

When the cyclops asked Odysseus for his name what name did he give him?

Odysseus responded that his name was Noman. Later when Odysseus was escaping, the hurt cyclops told his friends that Noman was responsible and the other cyclops acknowledged that since no man had hurt him, it must have been done by the gods and they could do nothing to help him.

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Odysseus told the Cyclops his name was "Noman" (or no one in the literal Greek) as in Nobody so he tricks him. When Polyphemus cries out to his fellow Cyclopes for help he says "Noman is killing me." One of his fellows says that if "no man" is killing him, it must be illness (a divine affliction).

Why don't the other cyclops help?

When they ask him who is hurting him, he says noman is hurting him. Noman was the name Odysseus gave him. They thought he meant no one was hurting him, so they went back to their homes. The Odyssey book 9.

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He told the cyclops his name was Noman so when the cyclops prays to poseidon, no man harmed him.

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What name does Odysseus call himself to the monster?

depending on what version you read, he either calls himself "nobody" or "no man"

What did the gods call the herb that Odysseus used to protect himself from Circe?

A magical herb called moly.