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Odysseus strings the bow for several reasons:

  1. To win the contest.
  2. To prove himself still worthy of Penelope.
  3. To prove himself superior to Penelope's suitors, and possibly help intimidate them.
  4. To provide himself with a weapon with which to kill the suitors.
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Q: Why does Odysseus string the bow?
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What can Odysseus do that no one else can do?

string his bow

Did Athena give Odysseus the bow that only he could string?

No. It was Odysseus' bow before he departed for the Trojan war. He was the only one strong enough to string it.

What can only Odysseus string a bow threw?


Who is able to string Odysseus' bow?

Odysseus is the only who who does string his bow.However, Telemachus is also able to, but does not.Other people who could string the bow include:Apollo, the craftsman of the bow.Iphitos, the man who gave Odysseus the bow.Eurytus, father of Iphitos.Any of the Greek Gods.

How is Odysseus strong?

Odysseus is strong because he was the only man who could string the bow.

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How many time did Telemachus try to string Odysseus bow?


Who strung Odysseus' bow?

Only Odysseus could string his mighty bow. Telemachus would have strung the bow on his fourth try, but was stopped by Odysseus. The bow originally belonged to Iphitus of Lacedaemon, son of Eurytus. Eurytus was originally given the bow by Apollo.

Who gave Odysseus his bow?

Odysseus killed the suitors with the bow that Iphitusonce had given him. He had inherited it from his father Eurytus of Oechalia, who in turn had received it from Apollo. This bow Odysseus, when going to war, would never take with him, but let it lay at home.During the contest to string the bow, the swineherd Eumaeus brings Odysseus his bow, after prompting from Odysseus, then Penelope, then Telemachus.

Why can't Telemachus string the bow on his fourth try?

Odysseus waves him off

Why is Odysseus the only one who can use the bow?

on line 420, Odysseus tells Telemachus that he could shoot string the bow because he was still strong....i hope this helped

How does Odysseus show strength in The Odyssey?

he is the only one that can string his bow and he survived the trojan war