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Oregon has seven electoral votes.

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Q: Why does Oregon only have three electoral votes?
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Why does Pennsylvania have 21 electoral votes?

It does not. Pennsylvania only has 20 electoral votes.

Why does DC only have 3 electoral votes?

Alaska only has 3 electoral votes because it has a smaller population, to make it fair they only need three.

Do president need to have electoral and popularity votes?

No, they only need to have a majority in electoral votes to win.

What southeastern state has 15 electoral votes?

North Carolina is the only state with 15 electoral votes.

Who are the people that can directly elect?

electoral college electoral votes are the only votes that count towards presidency

How many electoral votes did McCain win in Ohio?

0. McCain did not win any electoral votes in Ohio in 2008. He lost Ohio's 20 electoral votes to Obama by only receiving 2,674,491 votes to Obama's 2,933,388 votes.

Why does Idaho have only 2 electoral votes?

Electoral votes are based on population. Each state gets the same number of electoral votes as the number of Congressmen in the House of Representatives. Idaho, with a small population has two Congressmen and hence, two electoral votes.

How many electoral votes did pennsylvania's governor get?

none,electoral college only votes for president n vice president

How many electoral votes does Kansas?

Kansas has a total of six electoral votes. Interestingly, Lyndon B Johnson was the only democrat in history to win all of Kansas' electoral votes in 1964.

If there are a total of 535 congressman where does the total of 538 electoral votes come from?

The District of Columbia does not have a voting congressional delegation. However, under the 23rd amendment, the District is entitled to the same number of electoral votes as the state with the least number of electoral votes in presidential elections. Since the states with the least number of votes have three votes, the Washington D.C. is entitled to three electoral votes, so there are 538 total votes even though there are only 535 congresspeople.

Does all of Oregon's electoral votes go to the winner in the state?

Yes, the only two states that currently are not winner-takes-all states are Maine and Nebraska.

They have at least two electoral votes where are they?

Electoral votes are allocated to each state based on their representation in Congress, with each state receiving a minimum of three electoral votes. However, if you are referring to a specific region or state with only two electoral votes, it could be a smaller state like Montana or Wyoming, which have one at-large representative in addition to their two senators.