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he said that their is not any more big to kill so they dont have any more food do they are going to die.

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Chandler Quigley

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2y ago
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1mo ago

Ralph chastises the group at the meeting in Chapter 5 because they have neglected their responsibilities like keeping the signal fire going. He is frustrated by the lack of organization and discipline among the boys, and he wants to remind them of the importance of maintaining order and working towards being rescued.

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9y ago

Ralph is upset because the choir boys let the fire go out. After already being upset he starts to list all of his grievances. People aren't getting water and they aren't helping build the shelters.

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14y ago

In chapter 5: Beast from Water Ralph tries to put a stop to some things which he feels are going wrong with the boys' society on the island. He reminded the boys that they all agreed to use certain rocks, which were swept clean by the sea, as a toilet but chastised them because some of them were using the area of the fruits as a toilet, which was unhygienic. He also told the boys off for allowing the fire to go out, reminding them that it was their only hope of being rescued. Ralph is essentially frustrated with them all because they fail to grasp the importance of carrying through their own decisions, for allowing temporary and unimportant issues to stand in the way of what really mattered.

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12y ago

he said that their is not any more big to kill so they dont have any more food do they are going to die.

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11y ago

to bring the group back into line:)

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Q: Why does Ralph chastise the group at the meeting in the beginning of chapter 5?
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Why does Ralph chastise the boys during the assembly at the beginning of Chapter 5?

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At the beginning of chapter 12 Ralph is hiding in the jungle. He comes across the pigs head and takes the stick that is holding up the head to use as a weapon.

Why does Ralph call the meeting chapter 5?

Ralph calls the meeting in chapter 5 to address the group's lack of organization and cooperation. He wants to establish rules and delegate tasks in order to maintain order and ensure everyone's safety on the island.

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In "Lord of the Flies," the meeting must not be about the beast in chapter 5. Instead, the meeting in this chapter focuses on the growing tensions between Ralph and Jack, particularly concerning priorities and responsibilities within the group.

Where in the book is Ralph elected chief?

Ralph is elected chief during the very first meeting, which happens very early in the book.

Why can Ralph not think like piggy at the meeting chapter 5?

Ralph cannot think like Piggy at the meeting in chapter 5 because they have different priorities and perspectives. Piggy's focus is on practicality, reason, and order, while Ralph is more concerned with maintaining the group's morale and addressing immediate concerns. Their different approaches reflect their contrasting personalities and leadership styles.

What speculations did Ralph make in the beginning of chapter 5?

In the beginning of Chapter 5 of "Lord of the Flies," Ralph speculates about the whereabouts of the littluns and the possible reasons for their disappearing during the night. He wonders if they could be playing or hiding. He also considers the potential dangers on the island at night that may have caused them to wander off.

Compare and contrast Ralph at the beginning of the novel with Ralph at the end of chapter 6?

At the beginning of the novel, Ralph is optimistic and has a sense of order and responsibility as he is excited about being on the island and leading the group of boys. By the end of chapter 6, Ralph starts to feel the weight of leadership and the challenges of maintaining order as conflicts arise among the boys. He becomes more frustrated and realizes the seriousness of their situation as they struggle to maintain a signal fire and overcome their differences.

What are Ralph and Simon doing in the beginning of chapter 3 in Lord of the Flies?

Ralph and Simon were attempting to build a third shelter on the beach. Ralph was standing outside it placing branches and leaves onto it, while Simon was inside trying to arrange the branches.

Who causes the meeting to break up in chapter 5 of lord of the flies?

The meeting in chapter 5 of "Lord of the Flies" breaks up when Jack undermines Ralph's leadership by challenging his authority and suggesting the group should follow him instead. Jack's rebellious behavior and the boys' growing dissatisfaction with Ralph's leadership lead to the meeting's disbandment.

Which two things does Ralph say that insult jack in chapter 8?

During the meeting in chapter 8: Gift for the Darkness Jack accused Ralph of being a coward. He also said that Ralph was, 'like Piggy. He says things like Piggy.' And that Ralph wasn't a hunter and would never have got meat for the boys.