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Ralph insists that the boys wash to maintain a sense of order and civility on the island. By emphasizing cleanliness and personal hygiene, Ralph is trying to uphold a standard of living that reflects the values and norms of their previous society. Additionally, good hygiene practices can help prevent the spread of illness and disease, which is crucial for their survival in their new environment.

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Q: Why does Ralph insist that the boys wash?
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No laddies are meant to wash up.

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Ralph asks Jack "Why do you hate me?" that causes the boys to stir uneasily. Hope that helped:)

Who were the three tallest boys on the island in lord of the flies?

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In chapter 8 of "Lord of the Flies," the boys who stay with Ralph are Simon, Piggy, and Samneric. They choose to remain loyal to Ralph and help him maintain order on the island.

Where might one purchase Ralph Lauren boys clothes?

There are many companies and websites that offer Ralph Lauren boys clothes for sale. Some of these companies that offer the clothes are Macy's and Ralph Lauren.