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He was his son

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Q: Why does Vader help Luke in the last episode?
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Is Luke Skywalker on the dark side in Star Wars 7?

No. Luke was in hiding in The Force Awakens & only appears in the movie for a few seconds at the very end. In Episode IX The Last Jedi he is evidently a powerful Jedi but his full story remains to be seen until the films release date of December 15th 2017

Who is the Jedi who defeats Darth Vader and the emperor?

The Jedi who defeats Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker. Luke however, later being tortured by Darth Sidious, was able to convince his father, Vader to reject the Dark Side. Vader then killed Sidious. However, Sidious, using his mastery of the Dark Side of the Force, was able to return in spirit form and take over the bodies of his many clones. After his last clone was killed however, Sidious was killed by Jedi Knight Empatojayos Brand, who forced Sidious to take control of the Jedi's body before dying and taking the Sith Lord to be one with the Force.

What is the last episode of Naruto about?

There is no last episode yet

Who played Yoda in Star Wars 2 attack of the clones?

The Jedi that killed Darth Sidious was Anakin Skywalker. Sidious died in Episode VI Return of the Jedi.To tell you the truth that was only the first time he was killed. He was reborn in the body of a clone he created specifically for this purpose. He died for the last time a few years later from the combination of a blaster shot to the back sent from Han Solo. And then when he tried to in body Anakin Solo, the dieing Empatojayos Brand intercepted the spirit and dragged it with him deep into the force so that he could not come back again. So ya that's a more complete answer.cwo wo wo hold on dude Darth Vader killed him in episode III anakin turned into Darth Vader then in episode VI luke was able to turn Darth Vader aka lukes father back to the jedi then Darth Vader died afterwards because the emporor was using force lightning on luke then Vader got zaped when he picked up the emporor and threw hi down the pit like took him to an e-vac ship because the deathstar was going to blow up but dv was not going to live because of his injerys so Darth Vader asked luke to remove his mask so he could for once se his son with his own eyes then luke removed him mask then................................. you are going to have to watch the movie but no jedi killed the empoor it was a sith lord

What is the designation number of the tie fighter pilot who crashed into Darth Vader's ship just before luke blew up the first death star?

AnswerHis designation was DS-61-2, and his real last name was Mithel. He was nicknamed 'Mauler'.

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What is Darth Vader's Son's Last Name?

His kast name is Skywaljer, Luke Skywalker

Why did Darth Vader cut off Luke's hand?

Darth Vader cut off Luke's hand during their lightsaber duel in "The Empire Strikes Back" as a way to defeat and weaken Luke. It was also a symbolic way to show Luke the power and control Darth Vader had over him, and to possibly lead Luke to the dark side.

Is Luke Skywalker on the dark side in Star Wars 7?

No. Luke was in hiding in The Force Awakens & only appears in the movie for a few seconds at the very end. In Episode IX The Last Jedi he is evidently a powerful Jedi but his full story remains to be seen until the films release date of December 15th 2017

Where do you find Darth Vader in Lego star wars complete saga?

in the last level in the episode 6

What are the two characters in STAR WARS that was separated at birth?

In Episode III, Revenge of the Sith, it is Luke and Leia because they had to be protected from Darth Vader because they were "The last hope" for the Jedi. (sniffle) It's sad in that part. I had tears. I'm okay now.

Why was episode 3 of star wars made after the last one?

It was made after to go back and explain how Darth Vader and a lot other characters on how they came to be like how Darth Vader is Lukes Dad. Things like that

How did Darth Vader know Luke was his son?

Vader's alter-ego is Anakin Skywalker. Then the Emperor told Vader that Luke is the off-spring of Anakin SkywalkerWell, in The Empire Strikes Back, in the battle of hoth, when Vader arrives at the ice planet, he says "The rebels are here. And I believe Skywalker is with them." He doesn't make the connection that he is Anakin Skywalker. He does think, however, that the one who took down the Death Star in A New Hope was special and he felt the force in him. After the battle of hoth, Vader spoke with the Emperor, and he tells Vader that Luke is the son of Anakin Skywalker. The Emperor said that he must be destroyed. I believe Vader was trying to save his son in saying "He could be a powerful ally." Then he offered Luke a rule as father and son, and Luke refused. Vader didn't find that Leia was his daughter until he felt the connection with her and Luke in the Emperor's throne room in ROTJ.

What Star Wars character spoke the last words tell your sister you were right?

Darth Vader says this to Luke before he dies on board the Death Star, in Return of the jedi.

What movie does obi wan die in?

Film: Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the JediYoda is looking more withered than when Luke first met him, and he informs Luke that no matter how strong he is with the Force, he cannot prevent time from taking his life indefinitely.Yoda gets into his bed for the last time, while Luke asks him whether Darth Vader really is his father or not. Yoda replies with "Yes, your father he is. Told you did he?" Yoda's voice then starts to get weak and now, with his last words, he tells Luke that there is another Skywalker, but before he can tell Luke the name, then he dies in his bed - the melodramatic little scamp! To add to the mystery of the Jedi, when he does finally die, his corpse disappears and joins the long list of Jedi in the afterlife.

Who is the last Jedi to live in star wars?

In the movies themselves it is Luke Skywalker. However, there are many spin-offs set after episode 6 in which Luke has started a new Jedi order.

What is the last level on force unleashed?

If you're talking about just TFU, the last level is Death Star(bosses are Darth Vader and Darth Sidious aka Emperor). But if you're talking about the Ultimate Sith Edition, the last level is Hoth(boss is Pilot Luke).

Who is the Jedi who defeats Darth Vader and the emperor?

The Jedi who defeats Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker. Luke however, later being tortured by Darth Sidious, was able to convince his father, Vader to reject the Dark Side. Vader then killed Sidious. However, Sidious, using his mastery of the Dark Side of the Force, was able to return in spirit form and take over the bodies of his many clones. After his last clone was killed however, Sidious was killed by Jedi Knight Empatojayos Brand, who forced Sidious to take control of the Jedi's body before dying and taking the Sith Lord to be one with the Force.