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I don't believe that it does. If this is true, it could be that black is a natural color for the sort of material (cast iron) that radiators are likely to be made of, while a white radiator probably has an insulating layer of paint on it.

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Q: Why does a black radiator radiate more heat than a white one?
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Yes black ink radiates more heat than white paper. This is because more heat is absorbed by black ink more than white paper and it is required to radiates more heat due to its heat capacity

What does a radiator do?

In your car, the radiator transfers its heat to the surroundings - the air. [Strictly, this is conduction, but don't quibble. This is mechanic talk.] In your room, the radiator does radiate heat into the room.

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A lamp or a flame radiate light. (as do incandescent bodies) A radiator radiates heat, (as does any other hot body) And speakers or horns radiate sound ( as do any vibrating bodies)

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no, its a common misconception, it may be called a radiator but it doesn't radiate heat, it convects heat, from the hot water that is piped around it

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A white surface is a good radiator of heat.

Will hot drinks stay hotter in a white or black mug?

Black because it absorbs all the heat whereas white reflects the heat away so black is a better heat insulator. Help this helps :)

Why car radiator is design with thin fins and black in colour?

Car radiators have fins to allow the flow of air to enter, but as well as having a bit of protection. If it didn't, you would have a car with a hole in the front. Also, they are black to absorb and radiate heat. Black bodies radiate heat better so that is why they are black. The thin fins improve the overall surface area so that heat is dissipitated to the ambient efficiently. Hope this helps.

Is dull surface a good radiator of heat?

It is in fact the best radiator. Dull black is the best absorber and emitter. Then shiny black, followed by white, then silver. While the best reflector goes the other way around (silver's the best, then white, followed by shiny black, then dull black)

What kind of energy do you have when your in a black shirt and start to sweat?

Heat - generated by your metabolism. The colour of your clothes is not important save that a black shirt will radiate heat from you more easily than a white one, but will absorb more external heat such as from the Sun.

Why black colour absorb and radiate more heat?

The objects is black when no light reflect from it, hence, it absorb light very well. And at the same time, what can absorb light very well would radiate heat very well .

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Why do you have black water in your car radiator?

to absorb heat