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Some cactus flower at night as they are pollinated by moths and other nightflying insects.

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Q: Why cactus do photosynthesis in night not in day?
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Does photosynthesis happen in the night or day?


Is cactus an autotroph?

A cactus is an autotroph. This is because autotrophs make their own food using photosynthesis. A cactus uses photosynthesis to make its own food.


Cactus, like other plants, uses photosynthesis to get energy.

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What part of the cactus does photosynthesis?

In a cactus the leaves have been reduced to spines, to reduce the surface area from which water can be lost and to deter animals from eating the plant. As there are no leaves, photosynthesis must take place in the stem.

What does cactus plants live on?

As with any green plant, the cactus produces its own food through photosynthesis.

Does a cactus makes its own food?

A cactus makes food like any other plant, by photosynthesis

How desert plants carry out photosynthesis?

desert plants take up carbon dioxide at night and prepare an intermediate which acted upon by the energy absorbed by the chlorophyll during the day

What do cactus need to live?

As a cactus is a form of a plant, it will require sunlight for photosynthesis and water to stop it from drying out and to help the cactus plant grow.

Does a stem carry photosynthesis?

Yes there are photosynthetic stems. Green stems carry out photosynthesis. Example: cactus

How are a cactus leaves adapted to living in the dessert?

A cactus leaves get sunlight and they make photosynthesis and they get water from that and they save the water

Does night and day affect cellular respiration in a plant?

No, respiration is continuous. Photosynthesis stops at night, as it is light dependent.