

Why does a camel have very little sweat and urine?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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They live in the desert, so they don't get a lot of access to water.

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Q: Why does a camel have very little sweat and urine?
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Which animal produces very little sweat and urine?

a camel produces very little sweat and urine

What is the function of produces very little sweat and urine from a camel?

because some camels have very little water, or they preserve water in their humps

What is the thing that a camel has very little of to conserve water?


Is producing very little sweat and urine a structural adaptation?

Very little sweat and urine is not a structural adaptation. It only means your body is dehydrated and that all the fluid is being absorbed. If it is only no urine, there may be a problem with your urethra. Not urinating is very bad for the body as toxins build up in the body therefore, very little sweat and urine is not a structural adaptation.

Why do animals produce very little sweat and urine?

To conserve water

Why do camels produce very little sweat and urine?

It is advantageous for survival to void little liquid in hot conditions. A camel does not store water in its humps. The water that it drinks is absorbed into its bloodstream.

Why does a camel produce little sweat and urine?

it is b/c they dont drink very often. they can drink water once a week, if they find water until then. if you only drank water every few days and only lived off a couple dry shrubs and fat in your hump, i dont think youd urinate as often as you do.....

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Yes, it is very common that Hamsters sweat sometimes even in their urine ( PEE ) .

Does everybody sweat out alcohol?

Very little alcohol is excreted as sweat.

Why is my urine very cloudy and amp burns when urinating very little urine dehydrated.?

You must see your doctor.

What is the normal urine output in an adolescent?

That depends on the input, the weather, and the amount of physical activity. If you take in about 2 liters of water a day, and sweat a little, a liter of urine is normal...that would be one very full bladder.

What is the effect of the fact that camels sweat very little?

They don't need to drink water very often.