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This is a very good question. Take the human being as an example. At first there is only one cell formed. Then it will divided into number of cells and become a baby. This division is essential for the formation of different parts of the body. The cells formed different muscles of the different parts. So the dividing cell process is essential for living things.

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Q: Why does a cell divide in to smaller cell's as it get's larger?
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Does one cell divide into smaller cells?

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No, cell size doesn't change.

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Adding more cells

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No. Viruses are smaller than cells. If a cell were the size of a basketball, then a virus would be about the size of a penny.

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People do not grow by each cell becoming larger. People grow because their cells divide and their organs and tissues, made up of more and more cells, become larger.

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Because the materials can go through the small cell faster