

Why does a cinder cone volcanoes have such steep sides?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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when lava flows down it the lava that stayed on it gets hard

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Q: Why does a cinder cone volcanoes have such steep sides?
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What is a small volcanic mountain wih a narrow base and steep sides?

a cinder cone volcano

What is a steep-sided volcano of lava and tephra called?

Cinder cone volcanoes are the most common type. They have steep sides formed from falling ash and cinders following an eruption.

Which type of volcano is small with steep sides?

Cinder cone

What are 3 types of volcanic mountains and explain?

Shield volcanoes are made from runny lava and steep sides. Cinder cone volcanoes are made from lava layers that alternate with layers of cinder. composite volcanoes shoot lav into the air.

Why do cinder cone volcanoes have narrower bases than steeper sides than shield volcanoes?

shield volcanoes have cinders that come out then land on it. that's what makes them bigger than cinder cone volcanoes.

Can a cone-shaped mountain form?

Cinder-cone volcanoes are built by thick lava that is thrown high into the air and falls as chunks or cinders. These mountains form as a cone shape with narrow base and steep sides.

What color is the lava of cinder cone volcanoes?

The color of cinder cone volcanoes is a blackish-gray.

Why do cinder volcanoes have narrower bases and steeper sides than shield volcanoes?

shield volcanoes have cinders that come out then land on it. that's what makes them bigger than cinder cone volcanoes.

What are three types of volcanoes?

Three types of volcanoes are Cinder Cone Volcanoes, Shield Volcanoes and Composite Volcanoes.

When ash cinders and bombs build up in a steep pile around a volcanoes the result is?

The result is a cinder cone.

Which of these is a tall and narrow volcanic mountain formed around a vent with steep sides?

Cinder cone

What are the kinds of cone volcanoes?

There are three kinds of cone volcanoes shield cones, composite cones, and cinder cones. Shield cones have very fluid lava. They erupt with a quiet lava flow. An example of a shield cone volcano is Mauna Loa. A shield cone is pretty much a little dome that has been flattened. Composite cones have sticky lava and rock bits. They have the most explosive eruptions An example of a composite cone volcano is Vesuvius. Composite cones are steep at the top but gentle at the bottom. Cinder cones have cinders. They have explosive eruptions An example is Paricutin. A cinder cone is very steep.